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    FacetChart.dataLabel rotation problem

    SmartClient Version: v11.0p_2016-08-08/Enterprise Development Only (built 2016-08-08)

    Chrome on OSX

    Hello, I'm trying to rotate the dataLabels in a FacetChart to reach a compromise between available space and readibility, but there's a problem with their rendering as in the screenshot

    Click image for larger version

Name:	425630518_2655242750594043478.jpg
Views:	120
Size:	107.0 KB
ID:	239557

    To reproduce it in the showcase, please use the #dualAxisChartMA sample and add these properties to the FacetChart:
        rotateLabels: "never",
            rotation: 70,
            fontSize: 8

    This shouldn't be surprising - if you tell us the labels should not be rotated, we auto-size assuming they are not rotated.

    We don't currently support fractional rotation because not all supported browsers can do it (and even amongst those that can, the text is sometimes borderline illegible). But if you were interested in a fractional rotation feature that was only supported for some browsers (and had caveats about legibility until browsers fix their issues), that would be a valid Feature Sponsorship.

