SmartClient Version: v11.0p_2016-08-12/Enterprise Development Only (built 2016-08-12)
Chrome on OSX
please modify the #adaptiveFilter sample like this:
Steps to reproduce:
1. Enter some 'Next Shipment' dates, for example 'today' for two items with 'Roll' units, and 'today' for an item with 'Ea' units.
2. Filter by 'Next Shipment': enter 'from' -> today, and 'to' -> today. You'll see the 3 edited records.
3. Filter by 'Units': select 'Roll', you'll see 2 records.
4. Filter by 'Units': select the empty value from the pickList, and you'll see no change, the grid still contains 2 records.
Chrome on OSX
please modify the #adaptiveFilter sample like this:
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "supplyList", width:500, height:300, alternateRecordStyles:true, dataSource: supplyItem, canEdit:true, fields:[ {name:"SKU"}, {name:"itemName"}, {name:"description"}, {name:"category"}, {name:"units"}, {name:"nextShipment"} ], autoFetchData: true, showFilterEditor: true, filterOnKeypress: true, fetchDelay: 500 }); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The code that follows is just to illustrate when SmartClient has needed to contact the // server. It is not part of the example. var origBGColor, restoreBGColorTimerID; supplyItem.addProperties({ transformResponse: function (dsResponse) { if (this.dataFormat == "iscServer") this.updateRowCountLabel(dsResponse); }, // This approach logs simulated server trips for SmartClient LGPL, where all DataSources // in the Feature Explorer are converted to clientOnly:true so that no server is required. getClientOnlyResponse : function (dsRequest) { var dsResponse = this.Super("getClientOnlyResponse", arguments); this.updateRowCountLabel(dsResponse); return dsResponse; }, updateRowCountLabel : function (dsResponse) { serverCount.incrementAndUpdate(dsResponse.totalRows, dsResponse.startRow, dsResponse.endRow); // Flash the label if (restoreBGColorTimerID == null) origBGColor = serverCount.backgroundColor; else isc.Timer.clear(restoreBGColorTimerID); serverCount.setBackgroundColor("#ffff77"); restoreBGColorTimerID = isc.Timer.setTimeout(function () { restoreBGColorTimerID = null; serverCount.setBackgroundColor(origBGColor); }, 500); } }) var serverCount = isc.Label.create({ top: 320, padding: 10, width: 500, height: 40, border: "1px solid grey", contents: "<b>Number of server trips: 0</b>", count: 0, incrementAndUpdate: function (totalRows, startRow, endRow) { this.count++; this.setContents("<b>Number of server trips: " + this.count + "<br/>Total rows in this filter set: " + totalRows + "<br/>Last range of records returned: " + startRow + " to " + endRow + "</b>"); } });
1. Enter some 'Next Shipment' dates, for example 'today' for two items with 'Roll' units, and 'today' for an item with 'Ea' units.
2. Filter by 'Next Shipment': enter 'from' -> today, and 'to' -> today. You'll see the 3 edited records.
3. Filter by 'Units': select 'Roll', you'll see 2 records.
4. Filter by 'Units': select the empty value from the pickList, and you'll see no change, the grid still contains 2 records.