I was hoping you'd be able to help me out with a styling problem I'm having. I have submenus which have titles that are of different widths.
If you run the testcase below, click on Manage -> Processes and hover over Information, now hover back to Process, You'll see the sub menu body has grown and now shows white background at the end.
Now reload the testcase and instead of hovering back to Processes, hover over all the sub menus - you'll see the menu body shrink and grow.
Could you tell me what is causing this? I don't see anything special in the styling so I'm not sure what would be causing this behaviour.
browser: FF12
SC 06-06-12 8.2p
If you run the testcase below, click on Manage -> Processes and hover over Information, now hover back to Process, You'll see the sub menu body has grown and now shows white background at the end.
Now reload the testcase and instead of hovering back to Processes, hover over all the sub menus - you'll see the menu body shrink and grow.
Could you tell me what is causing this? I don't see anything special in the styling so I'm not sure what would be causing this behaviour.
browser: FF12
SC 06-06-12 8.2p
isc.Menu.create({ ID:"manageMenu$menu", fastCellUpdates:false, canFocus:true, showSelectedStyle:true, baseStyle:"cwAppSpecificSubMenu", showDown:true, data: [{title:"Processes", submenu: isc.Menu.create({ ID:"processes", fastCellUpdates:false, baseStyle:"cwAppSpecificSubMenu", data: [{title:"Information",ID:"information",_baseStyle:"cwAppSpecificSubMenu"}, {title:"Process Manager",ID:"proccessManager",_baseStyle:"cwAppSpecificSubMenu"}, {title:"Global Processes",ID:"global",_baseStyle:"cwAppSpecificSubMenu"}, {title:"Milestones",ID:"milestones",_baseStyle:"cwAppSpecificSubMenu"}, {title:"Message Queue",ID:"participantQueue",_baseStyle:"cwAppSpecificSubMenu"}, {title:"Stale Jeopardy Report",ID:"processesToBeStale",_baseStyle:"cwAppSpecificSubMenu"} ] }) }] }); isc.MenuButton.create({ ID:"manageMenu", canFocus:true, title:"Manage", showDown:true, showFocused:false, showEmptyMessage:false, showRollOver:false, autoFit:true, baseStyle:"cwAppSpecificMenu", align:"bottom", showMenuButtonImage:false, menu:manageMenu$menu }) isc.HLayout.create({ ID: "testLayout",backgroundColor:"black",height:25, members: [manageMenu] })
.cwAppSpecificMenu{ color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; text-indent: 15px; font-size:11px; padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px; text-transform: uppercase; /* force text to uppercase */ } .cwAppSpecificMenuDown{ background-color: #4DACE7; color:#FFFFFF; font-weight:bold; font-size:12px; text-transform: uppercase; /* force text to uppercase */ } .cwAppSpecificMenuFocused{ background-color: #4DACE7; color:#FFFFFF; font-weight:bold; font-size:12px; } .cwAppSpecificSubMenu,.cwAppSpecificSubMenuOver{ background-color: #53b0ea; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; font-size:9px; } .cwAppSpecificSubMenuOver{ background-color: #0d7dc1; } .cwAppSpecificSubMenuDown{ background-color: #000000; }