Using version: 11.0
The recordclick/recordDoubleClick is not triggered anymore on the lanefields specified in Timeline.
Example code to reproduce
This code works in 10.0 ( and 10.1 (, but does not work on 11 (
Expected behaviour
To show message box with text "foo"
The recordclick/recordDoubleClick is not triggered anymore on the lanefields specified in Timeline.
Example code to reproduce
var developers = [ { name: "charlesMadigen", title: "Charles Madigen" }, { name: "tamaraKane", title: "Tamara Kane" }, { name: "darcyFeeney", title: "Darcy Feeney" }, { name: "kaiKong", title: "Kai Kong" }, { name: "shellyFewel", title: "Shelly Fewel" }, { name: "garretMonroe", title: "Garret Monroe" } ]; var _calStart = isc.DateUtil.getStartOf(new Date(2012, 6, 5), "W"); var _calEnd = _calStart.duplicate(); _calEnd.setDate(_calEnd.getDate() + 20); isc.Timeline.create({ ID: "timeline", height: 451, startDate: _calStart, endDate: _calEnd, data: events, lanes: developers, headerLevels: [ { unit: "week" }, { unit: "day" } ], laneFields: [ { name: "title", title: "Developer", width: 120 ,recordDoubleClick: function(viewer, record, recordNum, field, fieldNum, value, rawValue){isc.say('foo');}} ], canEditLane: true, showEventDescriptions: false, columnsPerPage: 5 });
Expected behaviour
To show message box with text "foo"