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    Custom DataSource Operations

    Using SC 8.2.

    I've got a custom widget that's essentially a VLayout that contains a TileGrid and a ListGrid. This custom widget also has its own DataSource, which populates both the TileGrid (with a list of properties), and the ListGrid (with a list of text notes left by users).

    I was able to create the DataSource and define its fetch operation just fine. What I'm stuck on is how to properly handle a row of newly added data to the ListGrid. I have the UI inputs working (a button adds a row when clicked, and the enter button submits that row). The DataSource implementation on my server has an executeAdd method which stores this new row of data in the database.

    What I can't seem to do is figure out what the response needs to be such that the ListGrid will accept that the add has been committed. Presently, the behavior is that if I add a row using the button, commit it, and then add another row, the first added row goes away.

    I think that due to the complexity of the datasource (handling data for what is really two different UI objects), I must need to override something on either my datasource or in the ListGrid in order for the ListGrid to pick up the changes. But I'm not sure what. Any pointers? I saw that there was a FAQ for SmartGWT that had a section on why ListGrids weren't updating, but I didn't see anything comparable for SmartClient without SmartGWT.


    Use that same FAQ - all the same instructions apply.

