Tested in SmartClient_v101p_2016-11-04_PowerEdition, Chrome 54
We utilize the CSV export functionality in the grid. Users have noticed that the display order of records is not maintained during an export to CSV after grouping.
Is the expected behavior that grouping has no impact on order when data is exported?
1. Load test case.
2. Note the order of the Record Number column.
3. Group by Country/Region.
4. Note the order of the Record Number column.
5. Press the Export Client CSV button.
6. Open the CSV file and note the order of the Record Number column.
7. Observe that the order of the CSV file and the order of the displayed grid are different.
We utilize the CSV export functionality in the grid. Users have noticed that the display order of records is not maintained during an export to CSV after grouping.
Is the expected behavior that grouping has no impact on order when data is exported?
1. Load test case.
2. Note the order of the Record Number column.
3. Group by Country/Region.
4. Note the order of the Record Number column.
5. Press the Export Client CSV button.
6. Open the CSV file and note the order of the Record Number column.
7. Observe that the order of the CSV file and the order of the displayed grid are different.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title></title> <style> .diagInfo { font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Core.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Foundation.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Containers.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Grids.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Forms.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_DataBinding.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Drawing.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_PluginBridges.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Charts.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/skins/EnterpriseBlue/load_skin.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" > var isomorphicDir="http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/"; // set this to the correct JIRA ticket var JIRA_TICKET = "PSS-538"; var data = [ {recordNumber:1, region:"North", accountHolder:"Alice" }, {recordNumber:2, region:"West", accountHolder:"Alice" }, {recordNumber:3, region:"East", accountHolder:"Alice" }, {recordNumber:4, region:"South", accountHolder:"Alice" }, {recordNumber:5, region:"North", accountHolder:"Alice" }, {recordNumber:6, region:"West", accountHolder:"Alice" }, {recordNumber:7, region:"East", accountHolder:"Bob" }, {recordNumber:8, region:"South", accountHolder:"Bob" }, {recordNumber:9, region:"North", accountHolder:"Bob" }, {recordNumber:10, region:"West", accountHolder:"Bob" }, {recordNumber:11, region:"East", accountHolder:"Bob" }, {recordNumber:12, region:"South", accountHolder:"Bob" } ]; // datasource for the grid isc.DataSource.create({ ID: "ds", cacheData:data, clientOnly: true }); // once page loads set some diagnostic information, DO NOT CHANGE isc.Page.setEvent("load", function() { document.title = JIRA_TICKET + " (SmartClient version " + isc.versionNumber + ")"; var html = []; html.push("Jira: " + JIRA_TICKET); html.push("SmartClient: " + isc.versionNumber); html.push("Browser: " + navigator.appCodeName + " " + navigator.appName + " " + navigator.appVersion); diagLabel.setContents( html.join("<br>")); }); </script> <!--mstheme--><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" id="onetidThemeCSS" href="../../_themes/Lichen/Lich1011-65001.css"><meta name="Microsoft Theme" content="Lichen 1011, default"> </head> <body> <script> // ===== DO NOT REMOVE ===== var diagLabel = isc.Label.create({ ID: "diagInfo", width: "100%", styleName: "diagInfo", autoFit: true }); // ===== DO NOT REMOVE ===== // basic grid var grid = isc.ListGrid.create({ dataSource: ds, fields: [ {name:"recordNumber", type:"integer", title:"Record Number"}, {name:"region", type:"text", title:"Region/Country"}, {name:"accountHolder", type:"text", title:"Account Holder"} ], autoFetchData: true, dataFetchMode : "local", position: "relative", width : "100%", align : "center", autoFitData : "vertical", autoFitMaxHeight : 400, alternateRecordStyles : true, canAddFormulaFields : true, canAddSummaryFields : true, canGroupBy : true, canReorderFields : true, showGroupSummary : true, groupByMaxRecords : 20, useAdvancedFieldPicker: true, advancedFieldPickerThreshold: 5, autoDraw: false }); // the main page layout - place all other components afetr diagLabel var layout = isc.VLayout.create({ width:"100%", membersMargin: 20, members: [ // ===== DO NOT REMOVE diagLabel diagLabel, grid, isc.IButton.create({ title : "Export Client CSV", click : function() { exportOpts = { exportAs : "csv", exportDisplay : "download", exportFilename : JIRA_TICKET + "-exportData.csv" }; grid.exportClientData(exportOpts); } }) ] }); </script> </body> </html>