I'm facing this bug changing version of SC, from v110p_2016-10-01 to v110p_2016-11-24.
In the older version, if a datediff of an event it was smaller than 24h, also the size of the event it was smaller of the cell.
Now, in the newest version, it doesn't.
so, if you try the code below in the v110p_2016-10-01 , the size of the event is as large as half of the cell (accordly with the event time span). instead in the v110p_2016-11-24 the size of the event is alway as large as the cell
code to reproduce here #timelineResolution:
In the older version, if a datediff of an event it was smaller than 24h, also the size of the event it was smaller of the cell.
Now, in the newest version, it doesn't.
so, if you try the code below in the v110p_2016-10-01 , the size of the event is as large as half of the cell (accordly with the event time span). instead in the v110p_2016-11-24 the size of the event is alway as large as the cell
code to reproduce here #timelineResolution:
var developers = [ { name: "charlesMadigen", title: "Charles Madigen", height: 80 }, { name: "tamaraKane", title: "Tamara Kane", height: 80 }, { name: "kaiKong", title: "Kai Kong", height: 100 }, { name: "shellyFewel", title: "Shelly Fewel", height: 80 } ]; var _calStart = isc.DateUtil.getStartOf(new Date(2012, 6, 5), "W"); var _calEnd = _calStart.duplicate(); _calEnd.setDate(_calEnd.getDate() + 7); isc.Timeline.create({ ID: "timeline", top: 40, height: 451, startDate: _calStart, endDate: _calEnd, data: events, lanes: developers, headerLevels: [ { unit: "month", titleFormatter: function (headerLevel, startDate, endDate, defaultValue, viewer) { return DateUtil.format(startDate, "MMMM") + " " + startDate.getFullYear(); } }, { unit: "day", headerWidth: 150, titleFormatter: function (headerLevel, startDate, endDate, defaultValue, viewer) { var dayNum= startDate.getDate(); return DateUtil.format(startDate, "dddd") + " " + dayNum; } } ], laneFields: [ { name: "title", title: "Developer", minWidth: 120, autoFitWidth: true } ], canEditLane: true, showEventDescriptions: true, laneEventPadding: 2, disableWeekends: false, showCellHovers: true });
var _today = isc.DateUtil.getStartOf(new Date(2012, 6, 5), "W"); var _start = _today.getDate() - _today.getDay(); var _month = _today.getMonth(); var _year = _today.getFullYear(); var events = [ { eventId: 1, name: "Add new Timeline view", description: "Add a new calendar Timeline component", startDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start, 0, 0, 0), endDate: new Date(_year, _month, _start, 12, 0, 0), lane: 'charlesMadigen' } ];