I'm using SmartClient_v82p_2012-09-11_LGPL and copied a code from smartclient wiki to drag/drop order listgrid rows.
My problem is that is my Datasource is defined with postParams
Everything is fine with all request send with post method except the row ordering queue.
The queue make a request to "/data?id=2&userOrder=1&_operationType=update&_oldValues=%7B%22userOrder%22%3A%222%22%7D&_componentId=refsList&_dataSource=ds_refs&isc_metaDataPrefix=_&isc_dataFormat=json"
not just simple to "/data"
i wanted to make a request with post params only.
Datasource Code:
recordDrop Code:
I'm using SmartClient_v82p_2012-09-11_LGPL and copied a code from smartclient wiki to drag/drop order listgrid rows.
My problem is that is my Datasource is defined with postParams
Everything is fine with all request send with post method except the row ordering queue.
The queue make a request to "/data?id=2&userOrder=1&_operationType=update&_oldValues=%7B%22userOrder%22%3A%222%22%7D&_componentId=refsList&_dataSource=ds_refs&isc_metaDataPrefix=_&isc_dataFormat=json"
not just simple to "/data"
i wanted to make a request with post params only.
Datasource Code:
isc.RestDataSource.create({ ID: 'ds_refs', operationBindings: [{operationType:"fetch", dataProtocol:"postParams"},{operationType:"add", dataProtocol:"postParams"},{operationType:"update", dataProtocol:"postParams"},{operationType:"remove", dataProtocol:"postParams"}], dataFormat: 'json', fetchDataURL: '/data', addDataURL: '/data', removeDataURL: '/data', updateDataURL: '/data', fields: [ {name: 'id', primaryKey: true}, {name: 'name'}, {name: 'photo'}, {name: 'description'}, {name: 'category'}, {name: 'public'}, {name: 'userOrder'} ], });
recordDrop : function (dropRecords, targetRecord, targetIndex, sourceWidget) { if (this == sourceWidget && dropRecords.length != 0) { var data = this.data; var dropRecordIndices = dropRecords.map(function (record) { return data.findIndex("id", record.id); }); var indicesMin = Math.min(dropRecordIndices.min(), targetIndex); var indicesMax = Math.max(dropRecordIndices.max(), targetIndex - 1); var startedQueue = !isc.RPCManager.startQueue(); var ds = isc.DS.get(this.dataSource); var request = { operation:this.updateOperation, application:this.application, willHandleError:true, oldValues:{ userOrder:0 }, componentId:this.ID }; // Update the 'userOrder' fields for all records at indices [indicesMin, indicesMax]. var userOrders = new Array(indicesMax + 1 - indicesMin); var i; for (i = indicesMin; i <= indicesMax; ++i) { var record = data.get(i); userOrders[i - indicesMin] = record.userOrder; } var numDropRecordsAfterOrAtTargetIndex = 0; for (i = indicesMax; i >= targetIndex; --i) { if (dropRecordIndices.contains(i)) { ++numDropRecordsAfterOrAtTargetIndex; } } var numDropRecordsBeforeTargetIndex = dropRecords.length - numDropRecordsAfterOrAtTargetIndex; var j = 0; // how many drop records have been encountered so far. for (i = indicesMin; i < targetIndex; ++i) { var record = data.get(i); request.oldValues.userOrder = record.userOrder; request._originalRecord = isc.shallowClone(record); var updates = ds.filterPrimaryKeyFields(record); if (dropRecordIndices.contains(i)) { updates.userOrder = record.userOrder = userOrders[targetIndex - numDropRecordsBeforeTargetIndex + j - indicesMin]; ++j; } else { updates.userOrder = record.userOrder = userOrders[i - j - indicesMin]; } ds.updateData(updates, null, request); } j = 0; for (i = indicesMax; i >= targetIndex; --i) { var record = data.get(i); request.oldValues.userOrder = record.userOrder; request._originalRecord = isc.shallowClone(record); var updates = ds.filterPrimaryKeyFields(record); if (dropRecordIndices.contains(i)) { updates.userOrder = record.userOrder = userOrders[targetIndex + numDropRecordsAfterOrAtTargetIndex - 1 - j - indicesMin]; ++j; } else { updates.userOrder = record.userOrder = userOrders[i + j - indicesMin]; } ds.updateData(updates, null, request); } // If we're queuing, send the queue now. if (startedQueue) { isc.RPCManager.sendQueue(null, null, null, true); } } // Call the super implementation of recordDrop() to update the order of rows in the ListGrid. this.Super("recordDrop", arguments); }