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    Add field title to AdvancedCriteria when using isc.FilterBuilder.getCriteria()

    SmartClient Version: v10.0p_2015-12-02/Pro Deployment (built 2015-12-02)

    When I call isc.FilterBuilder.getCriteria(), I would like for the criteria to also put the title of each field in the criteria as well. Right now all it does is put the field name on it. I don't know if this is possible or not, please just let me know either way.

    If it is not possible, I think this would be a very useful feature to add, and I cannot imagine it would take much work.

    Thanks in advance.

    There is no way to get the FilterBuilder to return titles within the criteria, but of course you can look up field titles using your DataSource.

    You may be trying to produce a human-readable version of the criteria, but that's already built-in - see getAdvancedCriteriaDescription.


      That is precisely what I am trying to do. Thank you kindly.

