SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v11.1d_2016-12-15/Enterprise Development Only (built 2016-12-15)
Chrome on OSX, Safari on iOS 10.2
Hello, I feel that the NavigationBar auto-fitting doesn't use all the available space, at least when the rightButton is not used/shown.
Please modify #navigationBarMobileSample like this (use the 'dense' setting):
then click "Izabella Chernyak FF": you'll see that there are at least 30 pixels free, on the right of the title.
But if you click "Izabella Chernyak FF.", where there's only a '.' more, it changes the leftButtonTitle to 'back'.
Chrome on OSX, Safari on iOS 10.2
Hello, I feel that the NavigationBar auto-fitting doesn't use all the available space, at least when the rightButton is not used/shown.
Please modify #navigationBarMobileSample like this (use the 'dense' setting):
isc.NavigationBar.create({ ID : "navBar", width : 296, autoDraw : false, leftButtonTitle : "Employees", rightButtonTitle : "Action", showRightButton : false, title : "Fa Bai" }); isc.FlowLayout.create({ ID : "flowLayout", autoDraw : false, width : "100%", overflow:"visible", tileMargin : 5, tiles : [ isc.IButton.create({ title: "Izabella Chernyak FF", width : 150, click : function () { navBar.setTitle(this.getTitle()); } }), isc.IButton.create({ title: "Izabella Chernyak FF.", width : 150, click : function () { navBar.setTitle(this.getTitle()); } }) ] }); isc.VLayout.create({ width : "100%", members : [navBar, flowLayout] });
But if you click "Izabella Chernyak FF.", where there's only a '.' more, it changes the leftButtonTitle to 'back'.