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    Adaptive filter behaviour override in javascript & JSP

    Hi everyone,

    I'm working with the smartclient and a ListGrid in javascript/jsp to display some information from the database.
    Recently I have had to change the data type of one of the returned columns. It was changed from a NUMBER to VARCHAR2.

    As a result I am no longer able to use the adaptive filter functions as if it were a number. Functions such as '>100','!0' etc...

    Is there a way I can override the filter behaviour of an adaptive filter for a specific column, so that I can insert my own String number comparator?
    Or better yet, are there any properties that can be configured to allow a string column to be handled as a number?

    I cannot post the entire JSP file, but if you need some specific information please let me know.

    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Wanotiki,

    if you can gurantee that the VARCHAR2 is actually a number, you could leave everything as it is and just use a customSelectExpression in your .ds.xml, something like customSelectExpression="TO_NUMBER(myCol)".
    This is the easiest way to solve it. Your column is read-only in your application, correct? If not, perhaps you'll also need customUpdateExpression.

    Otherwise you can try ListGridField.filterEditorProperties and pass a FormItem with a special criterionGetter.
    For number-sorting you'll need a ListGridField.sortNormalizer.

    Best regards


      Hi Blama ,

      Thanks for your quick reply!

      I realise now that I left out some useful information from my original post. :(

      The reason the data was changed to varchar2 was so that javascript would not round the values which resulted in a loss of decimal precision.
      When the report first loads data from the source the value would display correctly, however once a refresh of the listgrid happens, the value becomes a rounded integer.

      If you have any thoughts on this I'd be happy to hear them.

      In the meantime I'll take a look at some of the other options you've suggested!



        Hi Wanotiki,

        there is also stringInBrowser (v5.1p+). Is/Was the field type in SmartGWT integer or float?
        If this is happening for float with a small, reasonable precision, this might be a bug(?).

        In the same docs, there are also decimalPrecision and decimalPad, which might be of interest.

        Best regards

