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    Question on quoteTableName

    Hi, is there any way to default 'quoteTableName' to be true for all datasources generated from a specific (Postgres) database?

    This is using the current EVAL build of 11.1.

    We're looking at an integration scenario so lower-casing table names isn't an option.

    For Postgres, table names are normally case insensitive unless you actually force sensitivity by quoting the table name at creation. If that's what was done, you might consider undoing that, since it basically just creates hassle (and it would be asking for trouble to have two tables with the same name but different case).

    We don't currently have a way to turn on quoteTableName on a per-DB basis, but you could use the DynamicDSGenerator APIs to dynamically insert that into .ds.xml definitions.


      Thanks Isomorphic. Yes, that is what's done and we can't change it since the db belongs to another team and is in use by several other applications. Agree it creates hassle...

      I will look into the DynamicDSGenerator APIs as you suggest - thanks very much!

