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    Bug with multiple choice SelectItem and DataSource which returns data synchronously

    Hello Isomorphic,

    I've encountered following problem. When SelectItem is first shown bound to custom DataSource which returns data synchronously (i.e. call "processResponse" from within "transformRequest", see attached TestCase source), it shows "Loading..." until pick list is first shown. The reason is that PickList class "filterDataBoundPickList" method calls "this.pickList.filterData" and then unconditionally sets this._fetchingPickListData to true without verifying that "filterComplete" method was already called. Please see following test case. All 3 of created form items are expected to behave the same. But second form item, which is bound to synchronous DataSource remains in "Loading..." state unless pick list is opened:


    <!-- =================== Smart Client Loading ======================================= -->
    <SCRIPT>window.isomorphicDir = "/SmartClient/"</SCRIPT>

    <SCRIPT SRC="/SmartClient/system/modules/ISC_History.js"></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT SRC="/SmartClient/system/modules/ISC_Core.js"></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT SRC="/SmartClient/system/modules/ISC_Foundation.js"></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT SRC="/SmartClient/system/modules/ISC_Containers.js"></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT SRC="/SmartClient/system/modules/ISC_Grids.js"></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT SRC="/SmartClient/system/modules/ISC_Forms.js"></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT SRC="/SmartClient/system/modules/ISC_DataBinding.js"></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT SRC="/SmartClient/skins/Enterprise/load_skin.js"></SCRIPT>


    <body onload="initialize()">

    isc.ClassFactory.defineClass("MyDataSource", "RestDataSource")
    dataProtocol: "clientCustom",
    dataFormat: "json",

    asyncMode: false,


    init: function() {
    this.Super("init", arguments)

    this.fields = [
    { name: "theValue", type: "string" },
    { name: "theText", type: "string" }
    this.clientOnly = true


    transformRequest: function(dsRequest) {
    var dsResponse = {
    clientContext: dsRequest.clientContext
    dsRequest.dataFormat = "json"

    dsResponse.status = 0 = [
    { theValue: "Val1", theText: "Text1" },
    { theValue: "Val2", theText: "Text2" },
    { theValue: "Val3", theText: "Text3" },
    if (this.asyncMode) {
    var me = this
    setTimeout(function() {
    me.processResponse(dsRequest.requestId, dsResponse);
    }, 0);
    } else {
    this.processResponse(dsRequest.requestId, dsResponse)


    getDataProtocol: function(dsRequest) {
    return "clientCustom"


    function initialize() {
    var form = isc.DynamicForm.create({
    items: [
    { editorType: "SelectItem", title: "With ValueMap", multiple: true, value: ["Val1", "Val3"],
    valueMap: { Val1: "Text1", Val2: "Text2", Val3: "Text3" }
    { editorType: "SelectItem", title: "With Sync DataSource", multiple: true, value: ["Val1", "Val3"],
    optionDataSource: isc.MyDataSource.create({}), valueField: "theValue", displayField: "theText"
    { editorType: "SelectItem", title: "With Async DataSource", multiple: true, value: ["Val1", "Val3"],
    optionDataSource: isc.MyDataSource.create({asyncMode: true}), valueField: "theValue", displayField: "theText"




    You didn't mention your SmartClient version or build-date, but we see no issues running your sample code against the latest nightly builds of any version - if we run your sample as-is, all three fields show their values as expected.

    The first thing to do is retest with the latest patched build of your version, from

    If you still see this happening, let us know what version you're using and we'll take another look.

