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    iPad touch events 8.3d

    Version: 8.3d_2012-10-23

    I use SmartClient for some elements within a web page. It's working great on all browsers except on the iPad.

    Since this version, all a-href's/a-onclick/li-onclick are disabled by SmartClient on iPad. So all controls within SmartClient are working properly (clicking/double clicking etc), but elements outside smartclient aren't working (css-hover is shown, but the onclick or href isn't raised).

    When I load the .js files of SmartClient, even simple <a href='a site'>click me</a> are disabled.

    I got a demo, but only at request (PM).

    I've also noticed what I think is the same issue: our app works great on iOS 5/6 using SmartClient 8.2 (by way of Smart GWT 3.0), but when switching to the latest nightlies buttons and scrolling/zooming completely break. This is a showstopper for us -- currently working on coming up with a repro case


      Here's a page I put together that reproduces the issue, using just slightly modified versions of the SDK Explorer code that comes with the SmartClient download:

      Isomorphic, with the above test case do you think you'll be able to have a developer look at it soon and possibly get a fix included in the 8.3 final release? Much appreciated if so!


        What we need is a runnable test case that can be dropped into the SDK and run (as usual).

        A live website is far more difficult to debug, and there could be subtle differences in deployment causing the issue you're seeing.


          Sure, that's easy -- in the SDK, open up smartclientSDK\docs\resources\explorer.html in a text editor and make the following changes:

          1. After the <SCRIPT SRC=sdk_explorer_logic.js></SCRIPT> line add the following HTML:
          <a href="">Try to click me -- I won't work under iOS</a>
          2. And then in the VLayout.create method call ~50 lines further down, add "top:40,"

          That's it :)


            Oh, and thanks a lot derekdhaas for tracking down this problem to an outside event issue -- that likely saved me a number of hours of debugging and allowed me to come up with this test case much more quickly.


              Isomorphic, have you had a chance to look into this yet?


                A change was made this morning which should take care of this issue. Please pick up the next build (Oct 20 or greater) and let us know if you continue to have problems with it.

                Isomorphic Software


                  Thanks so much! I can confirm it's fixed in the Oct 22 build.

