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    Advanced Highlight Rule field selector issue


    If you go to this example:

    Click on Edit Hilites > Add Advanced Rule. Then, put your cursor in the first field dropdown and press T as though you are searching for a field that starts with T in the list. You'll notice that T then gets populated in the Target field drop-down. Then, even if you then pick a correct field in the top drop-down, the Target Field drop-down doesn't adjust and T can get saved as the Target field. This has the effect of looking like the highlight feature is not working correctly. Is it possible to have the Target Field adjust to fix this? Or, at least throw a warning if an actual field was not selected?

    Also, would it be possible to have the Target Field drop-down auto-scroll to the first currently selected Target Field? We have a very long list of fields and it makes it time-consuming to scroll through from the top.


      We've verified the first bug and fixed.
      The fix will show up in the next nightly build (dated September 27) on the 8.3d branch.
      Note that the change we've made will actually disallow the developer from entering a value that isn't a true field name.

      We're not seeing the second issue where the selected value is failing to scroll into view - the problem may be due to an interaction with this other issue whereby an invalid field value was selected, or it may have been addressed since the build you tested with.
      If this is not what you're finding, please let us know - we may just be missing something in our steps to reproduce!

      Isomorphic Software

