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    Hilight rules are not applied when column is shown

    SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v8.3d_2012-07-18/LGPL Development Only (built 2012-07-18)

    Browser is IE9

    I'm having a problem with hilites on a grid. When I add a hilite rule for a column that is hidden and then show that column the rules are not applied.

    You can see this in the showcase example for "Formula Hilites".

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Hide "Country" column
    2. Edit hilites and add a hilite for "Country" equals "France" and turn the background color red.
    3. Save the hilites.
    4. Un-hide the "Country" column.

    Expected results: Cell for "France" in the country column will have a red background.
    Actual results: Cell for "France" has default background color.

    5. Click "Edit Hilites" again.
    6. Click "Save" (don't make any changes in the dialog).

    Notice that now the cell will "France" has a red background.

    After applying the exact steps you describe, it works fine for us in IE9 using the latest build. Can you try with a current build?


      Not until next week. We're releasing to Beta now and code is frozen.


        Was able to test locally on my system with latest nightly and problem appears to be fixed. Thanks.


          Problem still exists

          SmartClient Version: Version v8.1p_2013-06-10 (2013-06-10).

          The problem still exist on SmartGWT 2.5p LGPL. Predefined hilite isn't applied on fields that were hidden.
          You can test it using showcase code from:

          by just adding those two rows:
          When you unhide the areaField you will notice that hilite hasn't been applied to it.
          This problem occurs only in 2.5p. In 3.1p [v8.3p_2013-01-17 (2013-01-17)] hilite is applied.

          I have tested it with the following GWT, SmartGWT and browser versions on Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.10:
          GWT 2.5.0.
          SmartClient Version: Version v8.1p_2013-06-10 (2013-06-10).
          Firefox Version: 22.0,
          Chrome Version: 23.0.1271.95
          Internet Explorer Version: 9.0.8112.16421

