If I use code like this:
in your Custom Editors example:
(i.e., it's the latest version of smartclient)
then we see that modalEditing is incompatible with ValueIcons. If I click a cell, I enter the editor as expected, but then clicking the icon kicks me out of the editor. Modal editing isn't important for me so I can just set it to be false for now, but perhaps this behavior could be considered a bug.
isc.ClassFactory.defineClass("AttachmentItem", isc.LinkItem ); isc.AttachmentItem.addMethods({ valueIconClick: function(form, item, value) { console.log("vic"); //my logic leading to item.setValue }, getValueIcon: function(value){ return "[SKIN]/DynamicForm/default_formItem_icon.png"; }, }); isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "countryList", width:620, height:224, alternateRecordStyles:true, cellHeight:42, wrapCells:true, dataSource: countryDS, fields:[ {name:"population", width:100, editorType:"AttachmentItem" } ], autoFetchData: true, canEdit: true, editEvent: "click", modalEditing: true, })
(i.e., it's the latest version of smartclient)
then we see that modalEditing is incompatible with ValueIcons. If I click a cell, I enter the editor as expected, but then clicking the icon kicks me out of the editor. Modal editing isn't important for me so I can just set it to be false for now, but perhaps this behavior could be considered a bug.