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    Large menu not scrollable with Firefox

    A large menu with scroll bar is always jumping back to the first entry when trying to scroll down with the mouse wheel or keyboard. Same happens when you are scrolling down by dragging the scroll bar and then trying to point to a menu item. Effectively, it is not possible to select an entry from the initially invisible menu area.

    This issue can be found in the latest SmartGWT and SmartClient nightlies with Firefox (tested with 13-15.0.1 under Linux and 14.0.1 under Windows). Chrome works fine.

    Test case:

    var data = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
      data[i] = {title: "Item " + i, click: "isc.say('Item " + i + "')"};
        ID: "menu",
        autoDraw: false,
        data: data
        ID: "menuButton",
        title: "File",
        width: 100,
        menu: menu

    We've made a change to address this issue

    Isomorphic Software


      I checked the last nightly build (2012-10-13) which still shows the wrong behaviour.
      When will the fix be released?


        We are extremely close to the official 8.3 release and nightly builds have been temporarily suspended while we work on the last few changes required before making this public.

        We anticipate having this available this week.


          unable to pick columns from large scrollable column list

          We are using SmartGWT Power version;

          SmartClient Version: v8.2p_2012-11-27/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2012-11-27)

          When there's a large number of columns which results in a scrollbar for the column selection menu, the items past the visible portion of the column menu items are not selectable.

          Once you scroll down so they are visible, they scroll back off the visible set of columns as you move off the scroll bar to try to select one.

          I've noticed this behavior when using FireFox (17.0.1)

          Has this issue been resolved yet?


            At least the issue we've found is fixed meanwhile (probably not too long ago), so you have good chances that the latest nightly also works for you.


              This fix has long been present in the 8.3 and 9.0 branches but was only ported back to 8.2 fairly recently.
              However - yes - it is now in place. Please try the lastest nightly 8.2p build to pick it up.
              If you continue to see problems with it, let us know

              Isomorphic Software

