SmartClient Version: v11.1p_2017-07-23/AllModules Development Only (built 2017-07-23)
Chrome on OSX
Hello, while trying to work around this problem:
I've just found a bug which seems to appear when using a DynamicForm as a record Component:
In this test case you see that the form uses the SwitchItem I've defined, but you'll get the same effect with a TextItem.
Chrome on OSX
Hello, while trying to work around this problem:
I've just found a bug which seems to appear when using a DynamicForm as a record Component:
var sliderHeight = 30; var sliderTrackWidth = 30; var sliderThumbThickWidth = 30; var sliderThumbThinWidth = 30; var labelHeight = 30; var offLabelWidth = 30; var onLabelWidth = 30; var offLabelText = "OFF"; var onLabelText = "ON"; isc.defineClass("SwitchItem", "SliderItem").addProperties({ type: "integer", init: function () { this.Super("init", arguments); this.addAutoChild("offLabel", {}); this.addAutoChild("onLabel", {}); this.offLabel.bringToFront(); this.onLabel.bringToFront(); this.showOrHideLabels(); }, offLabelDefaults: { _constructor: isc.Label, autoParent: "slider", height: labelHeight, width: offLabelWidth, contents: offLabelText, snapOffsetLeft: 35, snapTo: "TL" }, onLabelDefaults: { _constructor: isc.Label, autoParent: "slider", height: labelHeight, width: onLabelWidth, contents: onLabelText, snapOffsetLeft: 10, snapTo: "TL" }, sliderProperties: { height: sliderHeight, vertical: false, defaultValue: 1, showRange: false, showValue: false, trackWidth: sliderTrackWidth, thumbThickWidth: sliderThumbThickWidth, thumbThinWidth: sliderThumbThinWidth }, showTitle: false, change: function () { return false; }, showOrHideLabels: function () { var value = this.getValue(); if (value === 2) { this.offLabel.hide(); } else { this.onLabel.hide(); } }, click: function (form, item) { var value = item.getValue(); value = value === 1 ? 2 : 1 item.setValue(value) this.showOrHideLabels(); }, minValue: 1, maxValue: 2, numValues: 2 }); isc.ListGrid.create({ width: 600, height: 224, canResizeFields: true, canEdit: true, leaveScrollbarGap: false, showRecordComponents: true, showRecordComponentsByCell: true, canRemoveRecords: false, recordComponentPoolingMode: "recycle", dataSource: "worldDS", autoFetchData: true, fields: [ { name: "countryCode", type: "image", title: "Flag", width: 40, align: "center", imageURLPrefix: "flags/16/", imageURLSuffix: ".png" }, {name: "countryName", title: "Country"}, {name: "capital", title: "Capital"}, {name: "continent", title: "Continent"}, {name: "buttonField", title: "Info", align: "center", canEdit: false}], createRecordComponent: function (record, colNum) { var fieldName = this.getFieldName(colNum); if (fieldName == "buttonField") { var button = isc.DynamicForm.create({ border: 1, height: 26, width: 70, layoutAlign: "center", items: [{name: "foo", editorType: "SwitchItem", width: 65}] }); return button; } else { return null; } } });