During development we began noticing this following warning:
It confused us for a while, until I finally tracked it down to what looks to be a bug in CanvasItem.js. Check out the following method in it:
The apparent bug is the canvas._setTabIndex(index, false); line -- I think it should be passing true and not false. That second argument indicates the tab indexes should be auto-allocated, and passing false indicates that the tab index is being user-set. The problem arises because SmartGWT segregates tab indices between user-allocated (1-999) and auto-allocated (1000+) and throws warnings if a user-allocated tab index is >=1000. _setCanvasTabIndex above is called automatically and is passed an auto-allocated, > 999 index, and so when it tries to set the index of its wrapped canvas as a > 999 user-allocated index, the warning occurs.
Does that all make sense? I believe the problem exists in both SmartClient 8.2 and 8.3. The way I've found to reproduce that warning is to create a form with a CanvasItem that contains a listGrid in which createRecordComponent is overridden. I've attached a simple SmartGWT project that replicates those conditions -- just run it and resize the grid to a large size to see the warnings pop up.
[ERROR] [helloworld] - 16:13:14.599:MUP7:WARN:GridBody:isc_MyListGrid_0_body:setTabIndex(): Passed index of 1259. This method does not support setting a tab index greater than 999. Setting tab index for this widget to 999 [a]MathFunction.getStackTrace(_1=>undef, _2=>undef, _3=>undef, _4=>undef, _5=>undef) Canvas.setTabIndex(_1=>1259) ListGrid.updateMemberTabIndex(_1=>[GridBody ID:isc_MyListGrid_0_body]) Canvas.addChild(_1=>[Canvas ID:isc_Canvas_4], _2=>undef, _3=>undef) GridRenderer.addEmbeddedComponent(_1=>[Canvas ID:isc_Canvas_4], _2=>Obj, _3=>3, _4=>undef, _5=>"expand", undef, undef, undef) [a]MathFunction.invokeSuper(_1=>[Class GridBody], _2=>"addEmbeddedComponent", _3=>[Canvas ID:isc_Canvas_4], _4=>Obj, _5=>3, _6=>undef, _7=>"expand", _8=>undef, _9=>undef, _10=>undef) GridBody.addEmbeddedComponent(_1=>[Canvas ID:isc_Canvas_4], _2=>Obj, _3=>3, _4=>undef, _5=>"expand") ListGrid.$81v(_1=>Obj, _2=>null, _3=>[GridBody ID:isc_MyListGrid_0_body], _4=>3, _5=>undef) ListGrid.updateRecordComponents() GridBody.redraw(_1=>"Layout getting new size", _2=>undef, _3=>undef, _4=>undef) Layout.resizeMembers(_1=>Array[2], _2=>Array[2], _3=>false) Layout.layoutChildren(_1=>"resized", _2=>0, _3=>539) ListGrid.layoutChildren(_1=>"resized", _2=>0, _3=>539) Canvas.$t1(_1=>undef) Canvas.resizeBy(_1=>0, _2=>539, _3=>undef, _4=>undef, _5=>undef) Canvas.resizeTo(_1=>396, _2=>577, _3=>undef, _4=>undef, _5=>undef) CanvasItem.$602(_1=>396, _2=>577) CanvasItem.sizeCanvas(_1=>undef) CanvasItem.getElementHTML(_1=>"Germany", "Germany") FormItem.$15r(_1=>"Germany", _2=>true, _3=>true) FormItem.getInnerHTML(_1=>"Germany", _2=>true, _3=>true, _4=>undef) DynamicForm.getInnerHTML() Canvas.$px(_1=>undef) Canvas.$p9() Canvas.$ra() Canvas.redraw(_1=>"setPageRect") ** recursed on [a]MathFunction.invokeSuper
_setCanvasTabIndex : function (index) { //this.logWarn(this.name + " setCanvasTabIndex running - index:" + index); var canvas = this.canvas, widgets = []; if (canvas) this._getCanvasTabDescendents(canvas, widgets); for (var i = 0; i < widgets.length; i++) { canvas = widgets[i]; // clears any pointers to prev/next in auto-tab-order canvas._removeFromAutoTabOrder(); // use the internal method so we don't hit the user-specified tabIndex ceiling //this.logWarn("assigning:" + index + " to " + canvas); canvas._setTabIndex(index, false); // increment index += canvas == this.canvas ? 1 : canvas.getTabIndexSpan(); } },
Does that all make sense? I believe the problem exists in both SmartClient 8.2 and 8.3. The way I've found to reproduce that warning is to create a form with a CanvasItem that contains a listGrid in which createRecordComponent is overridden. I've attached a simple SmartGWT project that replicates those conditions -- just run it and resize the grid to a large size to see the warnings pop up.