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    TreeGrid/ListGrid edited cell validation

    We are using version: SmartClient_v111p_2017-07-03_LGPL

    We want to validate cells in the TreeGrid\ListGrid as soon as the user clicks anywhere on the page, e.g. blur event. We have the EditByCell set to true. The Change and Changed events fire for each character entered by the user. The ExitEditor event fires when the user starts to edit another field.Is there an event which is equivalent to the Blur event when dealing with cell edits?

    EditorExit also fires if focus goes to another control, so it is, by design, basically a better version of blur (because it does not fire in situations that would be spurious, such as focus moving to an icon or pop-up but still remaining logically within the same control).

    If this somehow doesn't work for your use case, please be very very specific about what the problem is.


      I have a TreeGrid in an page amongst other ASP.Net controls. ExitEditor is not being fired when an ASP.Net control receives focus or just clicking, single click, on another field in the TreeGrid. I need to perform validation when a user leaves the field of a TreeGrid. The ExitEditor only applys when focus is applies to another SmartClient control.

