It was working properly in "v11.1p_2017-07-21/Pro Deployment"
To reproduce:
Try checking some elements in the list.
Checkbox won't appear - the row is highlighted and the text in the checkbox is properly updated as well.
Try unchecking an higlightted item
Checkbox appears on other highlighted items.
To reproduce:
isc.DataSource.create ({ ID:"dsTest", clientOnly : true, fields : [ { name : 'caption', type : 'text' }, { name : 'value', type : 'text' } ], cacheData : [ { caption : 'First', value : 1 }, { caption : 'Second', value : 2 }, { caption : 'Third', value : 3 }, { caption : 'Fourth', value : 4 }, ] }); var ctl = { name : 'status', title : 'Status', multiple : true, optionDataSource : 'dsTest', editorType : 'SelectItem', displayField : 'caption', valueField : 'value', }; isc.DynamicForm.create ({ items: [ ctl ] }).show();
Checkbox won't appear - the row is highlighted and the text in the checkbox is properly updated as well.
Try unchecking an higlightted item
Checkbox appears on other highlighted items.