Hi there,
Our application does provide accessKeys for most of the buttons.
Switching from Enterprise-skin to Tahoe-skin the focus-effect on the button is nearly not visible.
If you are using the accesskey to get the focus on a button, the focus effect does only have a small black border. We think this focus-effect is very dfficult to see. If you think of a complete view, with about 3 Buttons, and many more interactions, its hard to see this focus-effect.
Example with v11.1p_2017-08-20/Pro Deployment
Best regards
Our application does provide accessKeys for most of the buttons.
Switching from Enterprise-skin to Tahoe-skin the focus-effect on the button is nearly not visible.
If you are using the accesskey to get the focus on a button, the focus effect does only have a small black border. We think this focus-effect is very dfficult to see. If you think of a complete view, with about 3 Buttons, and many more interactions, its hard to see this focus-effect.
Example with v11.1p_2017-08-20/Pro Deployment
Canvas.resizeControls(4); Canvas.resizeFonts(2); isc.DynamicForm.create({ "ID": "theForm", "numCols": 2, "width": 300, "autoFocus": true, "wrapItemTitles": false, "readOnlyDisplay": "static", "fields": [{ "name": "theSecondField", "type": "text", "hint": "Field2", "showTitle": false, "colSpan": 2, "showHintInField": true }, { "type": "toolbar", "iconWidth": 16, "iconHeight": 16, "width": 100, "readOnlyDisplay": "static", "showIcons": true, "buttons": [{ "ID": "theOkButton", "tabIndex": 0, "hoverDelay": 1200, "accessKey": "a", "hideUsingDisplayNone": false, "title": "with Accesskey", "hiliteAccessKey": true, "showDisabledIcon": false }, ], "createButtonsOnInit": true } ], "values": { "theFirstField": "", "theSecondField": "", } })