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    Focus outline for textitem icons and date picker in IE


    We observe a behavior that the TextItem icon and date pickers do not have outline while on focus in IE, but the focus outline shows correctly in Chrome and Firefox.

    Is there any way to show the focus outline correctly in IE? Tried to add "<style>:focus {outline: 1px dotted; outline: auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;}</style>" in html header and it works for text field and date field but does not work for icons and date pickers.

    We are using SmartClient_v91p_2015-02-11_PowerEdition. Tried the latest SmartClient_v91p_2017-08-20_PowerEdition, same behavior. Tried SmartClient 11.0 and the focus works.

    Steps to reproduce: tab to focus the icon and the date picker.

        width: 200,
        fields : [
            { title: "Severity Level",
             type: "text",
             icons: [{
                src: "other/help.png"
            {title: "Start Date",
             type: "date",
             useTextField: true

    Remember not to skip elementary information when posting:
    1. What skin is this?
    2. Are you talking about the same skin or a different skin in 11.0 vs 9.1?
    3. Do you get the same results with the Showcase, or only in your environment?
    4. What version(s) of IE, on what versions of Windows, show the issue?
    5. What does the outline actually look like for you?


      1. What skin is this?

      2. Are you talking about the same skin or a different skin in 11.0 vs 9.1?
      Same skin in 11.0 vs 9.1

      3. Do you get the same results with the Showcase, or only in your environment?
      Both with showcase and in our environment.

      4. What version(s) of IE, on what versions of Windows, show the issue?
      IE9 and IE11 on Windows 7 Enterprise.

      5. What does the outline actually look like for you?
      With SmartClient 9.1, there is no outline for icons and date picker in IE.
      With SmartClient 11.0, there is the browser's default dotted outline shown for icons and date picker.

      Please check the screenshot for the different behavior in 9.1 and 11.o while tabbing to focus the icon.

      Behavior in 9.1 with SmartClient Explorer

      Behavior for SmartClient 11.0 in Feature Explorer

      Last edited by Rchu; 24 Aug 2017, 05:57.


        We do not see this effect in 9.1 (as well as in 11.0) in IE11. The focus outline is there for both icons, so we can't fix this without seeing the problem locally. If you find a way to showcase this as standalone test case, that would be reproducible not only in your environment, please let us know.


          Please try the following standlaone in IE11. This is the IE version we are using.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	IE.PNG
Views:	326
Size:	29.4 KB
ID:	248740
          Steps to reproduce:

          1. Click the "Severity Level" text field to put focus there.
          2. Press Tab to move the focus to the accept icon next to text field. No focus outline observed.
          3 Click the "Start Date" date field to put focus there.
          4. Press Tab to move the focus to the date picker. No focus outline observed.


          <!DOCTYPE HTML>
              <SCRIPT>var isomorphicDir = "isomorphic/"</SCRIPT>
              <SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Core.js></SCRIPT>
              <SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Foundation.js></SCRIPT>
              <SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Containers.js></SCRIPT>
              <SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Grids.js></SCRIPT>
              <SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Forms.js></SCRIPT>
              <SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_DataBinding.js></SCRIPT>
              <SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/skins/Enterprise/load_skin.js></SCRIPT>
              width: 200,
              fields : [
                  { title: "Severity Level",
                   type: "text",
                   icons: [{
                      src: "actions/accept.png"
                  {title: "Start Date",
                   type: "date",
                   useTextField: true


            Thanks for the details and test case. This should be resolved in builds dated Aug 26 or later.


              Thanks very much for the help. We tried the Aug 26 build and it works in our environment.

              Our only problem is we are using SmartClient_v91p_2015-02-11_PowerEdition which is far behind the 2017-08-26 Power Edition, and we may need much effort to upgrade to it. Is there any workaround or fix possible on SmartClient_v91p_2015-02-11_PowerEdition so we have have this issue resolved?

              Thanks for the help!


                Hi Robin, there is no workaround for this issue. The fix is related to support for newer browsers.

                Patches are typically applied to the latest code for a version to avoid dependency-prone patches. Additionally, each nightly build is subjected to a battery of testing to ensure general stability. Depending on your usage, updating to the latest 9.1 build may be very straightforward.

