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    Tahoe-Skin - Set default font Arial?

    Hi there,
    Currently we switched from the skin Enterprise to the new skin Tahoe. Since then we get multiple feedbacks that the "new font" is ugly. We have requested screenshots from our customers to investigate this further and it seems that the browser (IE11) uses the default font "Times New Roman". There is an option in the internet-settings of Internet explorer (there is also one for firefox) to disable remote-font-loading (Internet options>Security>Custom Level>Downloads -> Font download -> Enable).
    It seems that some admins might have "overpowered" their policies, but with Times New Roman the interface looks really ugly.
    I agree that this should be disabled anyhow, but maybe it would be possible to insert an "reset" to use at least "arial" at all elements and not Times New Roman. This should be installed on every computer and should work as a default (instead of times new roman).

    This happens for example when .button has only the font-family "corbel" instead of "corbel, arial", because calibri cannot be loaded the system-default times new roman is used. Also happens in listgrid/treegrids

    Could you increase the compatibility and please add an alternative font to suppress the default behavior to use times new roman?

    Best regards

    We are looking into appropriate alternate fonts and will add those soon.

