SmartClient Version: v11.1p_2017-08-29/Enterprise Development Only (built 2017-08-29)
Chrome on OSX
Hello, please modify the #editingAutoFitNewRows sample like this:
- click 'edit new'
- type 'foo' in the first colum
- click 'edit new'
- type 'bar' in the first colum
- click 'edit new': the focus returns to the 'foo' cell, instead of the newly created record.
The problems seems related to the fact that for the 3th row the grid must auto-expand.
Chrome on OSX
Hello, please modify the #editingAutoFitNewRows sample like this:
isc.ListGrid.create({ autoDraw: false, ID: "countryList", alwaysShowEditors: true, width:500, alternateRecordStyles:true, autoFitMaxRecords: 6, autoFitData: "vertical", canEdit: true, editEvent: "click", listEndEditAction: "next", enterKeyEditAction: "nextRowStart", fields: [ {name: "countryCode", title: "Country Code"}, {name: "countryName", title: "Country Name"}, {name: "population", title: "Population"} ] }) isc.IButton.create({ ID: "button", autoDraw: false, title:"Edit New", click:"countryList.startEditingNew()" }); isc.VStack.create({ membersMargin: 10, members: [ countryList, button ] });
- click 'edit new'
- type 'foo' in the first colum
- click 'edit new'
- type 'bar' in the first colum
- click 'edit new': the focus returns to the 'foo' cell, instead of the newly created record.
The problems seems related to the fact that for the 3th row the grid must auto-expand.