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    Multi-Column combo box problem in an ASP page

    I am using SmartClient_v111p_2017-08-23_LGPL in IE 11.

    I am using a DynamicForm with fields of type “select” and a picklist to form a multi-column combo box. The code is in an ASP page. Selecting the first item in the picklist does not fire the “changed” event. The “changed” event fires for all other items in the list. I copied the code into an html page and the “changed” event fire for all the items, including the first. Can you shed some light on how to get the event to fire for the first item in an ASP page? The data is loaded at run time.

    // Multi-Column Combo Box
    ID: "_cboConfig",
    height: 40,
    children: [
    left: 0,
    zIndex: 150,
    width: 760,
    height: 40,
    layoutMargin: 0,
    membersMargin: 0,
    showEdges: false,
    members: [
    height: 20,
    membersMargin: 0,
    layoutMargin: 0,
    showBorder: false,
    members: [
    { type: "text", width: 113, enabled: false, showBorder: false },
    { name: "cboTitleConfigID", type: "text", width: 70, enabled: false, border: "1px solid black", contents: "Config ID", styleName: "Title_Iso" },
    { name: "cboTitleTitle" , type: "text", width: 250, enabled: false, border: "1px solid black", contents: "Title" , styleName: "Title_Iso" },
    { name: "cboTitleDescription", type: "text", width: 300, enabled: false, border: "1px solid black", contents: "Description", styleName: "Title_Iso" },
    { name: "cboTitleDatime" , type: "text", width: 70, enabled: false, border: "1px solid black", contents: "Date" , styleName: "Title_Iso" }
    height: 20,
    zIndex: 150,
    membersMargin: 0,
    layoutMargin: 0,
    showBorder: false,
    members: [
    { type: "text" , width: 113, enabled: false, showBorder: false },
    { ID: "_cboConfigDdlTxtConfigID" , type: "text" , width: 70, enabled: false, border: "1px solid black", overflow: "hidden" },
    { ID: "_cboConfigDdlTxtTitle" , type: "text" , width: 250, enabled: false, border: "1px solid black" },
    { ID: "_cboConfigDdlTxtDescription" , type: "text" , width: 300, enabled: false, border: "1px solid black" },
    { ID: "_cboConfigDdlTxtDatime" , type: "text" , width: 70, enabled: false, border: "1px solid black", overflow: "hidden" },
    { ID: "_cboConfigDdlTxtID" , hidden: true , width: 1 }
    top: 18,
    showEdges: false,
    membersMargin: 0,
    layoutMargin: 0,
    zIndex: 100,
    height: 20,
    members: [
    ID: "_cboConfigLabel",
    width: 107,
    height: 20,
    overflow: "hidden",
    ID: "_cboConfigDdl",
    left: 0,
    titleSuffix: "",
    zIndex: 100,
    width: 715,
    height: 20,
    fields: [
    ID: "_cboConfigFields",
    type: "select",
    width: 715,
    clientOnly: true,
    changed: "alert( value );",
    optionDataSource: _dsConfigSchema,
    autoFetchData: false,
    canEdit: false,
    valueField: "ID",
    displayField: "DisplayID",
    pickListWidth: 715,
    pickListFields: [
    { name: "DisplayID" , width: 70 },
    { name: "Title" , width: 250 },
    { name: "Description", width: 300 },
    { name: "Datime" , width: 70 },
    { name: "ID" , width: 1, type: "hidden" }
    ] // fields
    }) // DynamicForm

    This implies that something in your ASP page is interfering with the normal behavior of the browser - cancelling events, for example.

    There's no way for us to troubleshoot this since we have no idea what's in your ASP page.

