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    custom querying addition

    Hello, I wonder if it would be useful and feasible to have the possibility to define a <customClause> in an operationBinding, which will contain free sql (as a <customSQL> clause), and where the only requirement is to maintain the order the generated SQL, so I may define a query like this:

     <selectClause>$defaultSelectClause</selectClause> <tableClause>$defaultTableClause</tableClause> <whereClause>$defaultWhereClause</whereClause> <customClause>FOR UPDATE OF</customClause>
    I've tried to put the 'FOR UPDATE' after the defaultWhereClause, but the automatically generated joins are written after the entire <whereClause> tag.

    It seems that it would be rare that insertion at this particular point would simplify things, and that it would be equally likely that other points, like before the whole query or after it, or after the table clause but before the where clause, would be useful in rare cases. We don't want to introduce around 10 new somethingClause settings to address this. A programmatic API that allows insertion before or after any clause might make sense, and would be a valid Feature Sponsorship, but we will won't be pursuing it ourselves unless we see a lot of interest.

