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    How to evaluate the analytics module?

    I am looking at Mondrian and ways to integrate it with our front end using smartclient.
    Ofcourse the cube and the analytics modules is interesting to use.

    Is there a way for me to evaluate the analytics module before buying a license?

    As you know we currently use the LGPL version in our product, but we would like to distribute the analytics module as an add-on (ofcourse then with a license from Isomorphic). Is the analytics module something like an add-on to the LGPL version or do we need to distribute the full power/enterprise version?

    gr. Martin

    You can get the Analytics module by downloading the Evaluation - it includes both Optional Modules.

    Note we've already done the work for Mondrian integration, take a look at this wiki article. The client-side portion is in SmartGWT so you will need to translate it to JavaScript, but the server code is the same (and that's the non-trivial part).

