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    Text Match Style iContains in Multi Combo Box Item

    Dear Team,

    We are using Smartclient 11.0p.
    Browser : IE11

    1. We need TextMatchStyle as iContains in MultiComboBoxItem.
    2. We also need MultiComboBoxItem with a DataSource and an optionOperationId for it. How should we pass it.

    Both the above were not working.

    Please suggest how to do it

    I am referring to the below example

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by sathish.gdis; 25 Sep 2017, 00:27.

    Use the "operator" property (inherited from FormItem).


      Dear Team,

      Please find the below scenario which is not working in my case.

      Please suggest what needs to be done.

      var suppliesForm = isc.DynamicForm.create({
          top: 115,
          ID: "selectedSupplyItems",
          width: "100%",
          numCols: 1,
          titleOrientation: "top",
          items: [{
              name: "supplies",
              title: "Items",
              editorType: "MultiComboBoxItem",
              comboBoxProperties: {
                  pickListWidth: 290
              optionDataSource: "supplyItem",
              displayField: "itemName",
              valueField: "SKU",
              value: ["58074604", "90600", "1089400", "6024900"],
              autoFetchData: true,
      In the above if we give input as Artline then the result should matching Artline in the middle of the text have to come because I have used iContains as operator.
      The result should contain results like
      1. Pens Artline 27000
      2. Pens Artline 37000
      and so on

      And regarding optionOperationId its not working for MultiComboBoxItem.

      Please suggest in both these cases what needs to be done..


        Setting operator is only applicable if the containing form is databound - see docs.

        You can get what you want in this case by applying textMatchStyle: "substring" to your comboBoxProperties block.


          Note that optionOperationId is also a comboBoxItem property, so you can set that in your comboBoxProperties also.


            Thanks its working.

