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    Tree grid async initial fetch

    Hello Isomorphic.

    We have a requirement to make it so that when the window containing a TreeGrid inside is opened, the initial fetch does not block the whole UI.
    It was possible to achieve by manually sending the fetch request with showPrompt set to false instead of the automatic one. But unfortunately we did not find any property you can set on the treegrid itself so that the fetch done automatically has this flag set to false. Is there any way to achieve this? The only things we found configurable are criteria and operationId, but not other flags. Is there any possibility we missed that can give us this configuration? Also does not make sense to do this in the datasource xml, because this would be to general and will affect other components which we don't want.

    Thanks in advance for your answer.

    Best regards,

    Hi harker777,

    I did not try this, but I strongly assume this is possible with this fetchData()-overload using a correctly configured 3rd parameter requestProperties.

    Best regards


      Hello, Blama.

      I tried to override this method and it does not work as expected. Looks like none of the fetchData methods is called when initial fetch is done.
      The only way I found was to set this property on ds, but that can touch many things.
      Isomorphic - is there any way to control this on component level?



        Hi harker777,

        no, do not override this method. What do you mean by inital fetch? Do a myTreeGrid.setAutoFetchData(false) and call the fetchData()-overload yourself.
        Note that I meant "call the three parameter version of fetchData" in #2 with "fetchData()-overload". I never wrote "override".

        Best regards


          Ah, ok. Did not understand your idea.
          Yes, that what we already tried, as told in original post. We can always manually do the fetch instead of automatic one and it works perfectly. Just wanted to figure out if there is more framework-friendly way to do this.


            Ah, yes, sorry.
            I'm also not aware of any setter for initialRequestProperties, like initialCriteria, initialSort or autoFetchTextMatchStyle.

            Best regards,


              There are no such setters - simply call fetchData() as indicated.

              Having to call a documented method is not something we would consider framework-unfriendly, so nothing to worry about there.

