My setup
Windows 10 Home 64 bit
SmartClient v11.1p_2017-10-07 Enterprise evaluation
Oracle 12c release 2 on Amazon AWS
Java 8 update 144 SDK and JRE
I am trying to connect to an Oracle 12c r2 database hosted on Amazon AWS. I can connect to the server just fine with a local install of SQL-Developer (an Oracle SQL tool). I downloaded the ojdbc driver for Oracle 12c r2, which is ojdbc8.jar and placed it in the WEB-INF/lib folder in both the SDK and runtime folders of SmartClient. This driver requires Java 8 so I installed Java 8 SDK and JRE. (I had Java 9 on my laptop). I then opened the Admin Console and tried to configure the database. I used the same settings as used for my SQL-Developer setup. I can Test setup fine but then when I save the database configuration it seems to crash Tomcat because the console stops working (page not found). So I closed the command line window and re-ran the start_embedded_server.command file. After doing this several times I realized that the server window showed that it was using Java 9. So I uninstalled Java 9 and re-ran "start_embedded_server.command" command file. I could then see that it was using Java 8 at that point. But I continue to have the same issue. When I pull up the database configuration in the Admin console the database name/SID is always cleared and I have to re-enter it and Save it. I also noticed that the "Obtain Connections Using" is set to datasource (I believe it defaulted to DataSource when I first selected Oracle as the database). I'm not sure of the difference. Anyway here is what happens when I try to update the database configuration:
1. If I don't change "datasource" to "DataSource" but enter the SID, I test and get "Failure: Unable to connect. Error from Driver: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid Oracle URL specified: OracleDataSource.makeURL"
2. If I remember to change "datasource" to "DataSource" along with entering the SID, I get "Transport error - HTTP code: 404 for URL: http://localhost:8080/tools/adminConsoleOperations.jsp" which basically means Tomcat as crashed. I can refresh the page and I get page not found. This also happens if I change "datasource" to "Driver Manager"
As I said, even though I save the change, when I restart Tomcat these two fields always revert to "Obtain Connections Using" = datasource and SID is blank. Any help would be appreciated in understanding what I'm doing wrong.
Windows 10 Home 64 bit
SmartClient v11.1p_2017-10-07 Enterprise evaluation
Oracle 12c release 2 on Amazon AWS
Java 8 update 144 SDK and JRE
I am trying to connect to an Oracle 12c r2 database hosted on Amazon AWS. I can connect to the server just fine with a local install of SQL-Developer (an Oracle SQL tool). I downloaded the ojdbc driver for Oracle 12c r2, which is ojdbc8.jar and placed it in the WEB-INF/lib folder in both the SDK and runtime folders of SmartClient. This driver requires Java 8 so I installed Java 8 SDK and JRE. (I had Java 9 on my laptop). I then opened the Admin Console and tried to configure the database. I used the same settings as used for my SQL-Developer setup. I can Test setup fine but then when I save the database configuration it seems to crash Tomcat because the console stops working (page not found). So I closed the command line window and re-ran the start_embedded_server.command file. After doing this several times I realized that the server window showed that it was using Java 9. So I uninstalled Java 9 and re-ran "start_embedded_server.command" command file. I could then see that it was using Java 8 at that point. But I continue to have the same issue. When I pull up the database configuration in the Admin console the database name/SID is always cleared and I have to re-enter it and Save it. I also noticed that the "Obtain Connections Using" is set to datasource (I believe it defaulted to DataSource when I first selected Oracle as the database). I'm not sure of the difference. Anyway here is what happens when I try to update the database configuration:
1. If I don't change "datasource" to "DataSource" but enter the SID, I test and get "Failure: Unable to connect. Error from Driver: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid Oracle URL specified: OracleDataSource.makeURL"
2. If I remember to change "datasource" to "DataSource" along with entering the SID, I get "Transport error - HTTP code: 404 for URL: http://localhost:8080/tools/adminConsoleOperations.jsp" which basically means Tomcat as crashed. I can refresh the page and I get page not found. This also happens if I change "datasource" to "Driver Manager"
As I said, even though I save the change, when I restart Tomcat these two fields always revert to "Obtain Connections Using" = datasource and SID is blank. Any help would be appreciated in understanding what I'm doing wrong.