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    Js-Error in IE11 in Version v11.1p_2017-10-19/Pro Deployment

    Hi there,
    I have worked with the Version v11.1p_2017-10-19/Pro Deployment and there is a js-error

    There is missing a ":function".

    However it could be parsed with Chrome. But IE11 had a problem parsing this part and abort the evaluation. The only needed operation to reproduce this was to include the file ISC_Forms.js
    The bug is fixed in the latest Version (2017-10-20) , but we cannot use the latest because of another visible bug (
    For now we have reverted to the release of the 18th, where both bugs are not present.

    Are there any plans to improve the test-coverage to prevent such releases where js-errors are thrown in the "normal" browsers?

    Best regards

    We already caught this and pulled the affected build, but there was a window where you could have downloaded it before our testing caught it.

    Sorry that there is a separate bug causing you issues, but, please understand that the spate of recent styling bugs happened because Chrome 61 broke a basic behavior of styled tables, and the necessary workarounds have been complicated and full of unforeseen consequences as we've run into various ways in which different customers have used advanced CSS with our controls.

