Hi there,
Is it possible to style a FormItem-Icon with the same style as a Button?
Currently it is possible to set the baseStyle of the formItem-Icon and this does come close to the solution, but the height of the FormItemIcon does not fit the height of the TextItem
The alternative would be to add a additional Button to the DynamicForm. But using this workaround would lead to a lot of "colspan" usages in large forms.
Best Regards
Is it possible to style a FormItem-Icon with the same style as a Button?
Currently it is possible to set the baseStyle of the formItem-Icon and this does come close to the solution, but the height of the FormItemIcon does not fit the height of the TextItem
The alternative would be to add a additional Button to the DynamicForm. But using this workaround would lead to a lot of "colspan" usages in large forms.
isc.HStack.create({ "membersMargin": 10, "padding": 10, "members": [ isc.DynamicForm.create({ "ID": "statusForm_4", "selectOnFocus": true, "fields": [{ "name": "statusTextItem", "title": "Status", "type": "text", "width": 200, "icons": [{ "click": function (p1, p2) {console.log("saved")}, "src": "https://cdn1.iconfinder.com/data/icons/prettyoffice9/16/edit-validated.png", "baseStyle": "button" } ], "selectOnClick": true, "readOnlyDisplay": "static", "showIcons": true } ], "values": { "statusTextItem": "Text" } }), isc.Button.create({ "icon": "https://cdn1.iconfinder.com/data/icons/prettyoffice9/16/edit-validated.png", "title": "Button", "prompt": "test" })] });