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    Strange behaviour of TimeItem in FireFox


    I tested TimeItem in you showcase

    When I use Time zone: Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh (+07, +0700), and I put hours 7 and click on any other field it automatically change to 6, any other digit works fine, but 7 turn to 6.
    You can see this behaviour
    If I change time zone to any other, everything works fine.
    It happen only in FireFox my version is57.0.1 (64-bit), Chrome works fine.

    Please advise if this bug or feature?

    Thank you!

    We were unable to reproduce the issue. So, we suggest that you disable any Firefox extensions, as they may somehow create the issue, but if you still see the issue, please provide specific instructions on how to reproduce it, as well as the operative system.

    Isomorphic Software


      Hi Isomorphic

      I open the demo page, then click to the time item and enter value 7 (screen1), then just click on field above and value changes to 6:00 (screen2). Firefox v.55.0.1 (64 bit), OS: Fedora 26.

      It happen only if I set my time zone in OS to Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh), other tim zones work fine.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	screen1.png
Views:	100
Size:	162.0 KB
ID:	251285Click image for larger version

Name:	screen2.png
Views:	90
Size:	161.2 KB
ID:	251286
      Attached Files


        And no plugins installed in Firefox


          After some digging, this appears to be a subtle vendor bug, in Firefox/Linux handling of the Ho Chi Minh City timezone and new Date(null) - you can see the effect in native javascript with date = new Date(null) and date.setHours(7).

          We've made a framework change that should work around it and you can retest with a build dated February 9 or later.
          Last edited by Isomorphic; 8 Feb 2018, 01:11.

