Hi Isomorphic,
a recently saw this sample and liked it a lot. I tried to use FontAwesome letters (=icons) like your "telephone" in the sample. This does work as expected for most of the FormItems, but I have a problem with two.
Please see this modified sample (v11.1p_2018-01-22). As you can see there is an issue with SpinnerItem, where the icon is added but invisible after the item and not in it. The item itself is shorter because of the "icon". As this is a child of TextItem and ComboBoxItem and TextItem work both, I assume this is easily fixed.
The same issue is with SelectItem, but I don't know if this is also easily fixed.
Best regards
a recently saw this sample and liked it a lot. I tried to use FontAwesome letters (=icons) like your "telephone" in the sample. This does work as expected for most of the FormItems, but I have a problem with two.
Please see this modified sample (v11.1p_2018-01-22). As you can see there is an issue with SpinnerItem, where the icon is added but invisible after the item and not in it. The item itself is shorter because of the "icon". As this is a child of TextItem and ComboBoxItem and TextItem work both, I assume this is easily fixed.
The same issue is with SelectItem, but I don't know if this is also easily fixed.
isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "form1", width: 620, colWidths: [190, "*"], fields: [ {name: "text", title:"Text", type:"text", hint: "A plain text field", wrapHintText: false, icons: [{ name: "tel", src: "blank", // if inline icons are not supported by the browser, revert to a blank icon inline: true, text: "✆", baseStyle: "telIcon" }]}, {name: "colorPicker", title:"Color Picker", type:"color", icons: [{ name: "tel", src: "blank", // if inline icons are not supported by the browser, revert to a blank icon inline: true, text: "✆", baseStyle: "telIcon" }]}, {name: "textArea", title:"TextArea", type:"textArea"}, {name: "stackedSpinner", title: "Stacked Spinner", editorType: "SpinnerItem", writeStackedIcons: true, defaultValue: 5, min: 0, max: 10, step: 0.5, wrapTitle: false, icons: [{ name: "tel", src: "blank", // if inline icons are not supported by the browser, revert to a blank icon inline: true, text: "✆", baseStyle: "telIcon" }]}, {name: "unstackedSpinner", title: "Unstacked Spinner", editorType: "SpinnerItem", writeStackedIcons: false, defaultValue: 5, min: 0, max: 10, step: 0.5, icons: [{ name: "tel", src: "blank", // if inline icons are not supported by the browser, revert to a blank icon inline: true, text: "✆", baseStyle: "telIcon" }]}, {name: "slider", title: "Slider", editorType: "SliderItem", minValue: 1, maxValue: 5, numValues: 5, height: isc.Browser.isTouch ? 52 : 36}, {name: "link", title: "LinkItem", type: "link", height: 80, target: "javascript", click: "isc.say('Hello world!')", linkTitle: "Click Me"}, {name: "checkbox", title: "Checkbox", type: "checkbox", height: 25}, {name: "radioGroup",title: "Radio Group", type: "radioGroup", valueMap: ["Option 1", "Option 2"]} ], values: { slider: 4 } }); var valueMap = { "US" : "<b>United States</b>", "CH" : "China", "JA" : "<b>Japan</b>", "IN" : "India", "GM" : "Germany", "FR" : "France", "IT" : "Italy", "RS" : "Russia", "BR" : "<b>Brazil</b>", "CA" : "Canada", "MX" : "Mexico", "SP" : "Spain" } var valueIcons = { "US" : "US", "CH" : "CH", "JA" : "JA", "IN" : "IN", "GM" : "GM", "FR" : "FR", "IT" : "IT", "RS" : "RS", "BR" : "BR", "CA" : "CA", "MX" : "MX", "SP" : "SP" } isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "form2", width: 620, colWidths: [190, "*"], isGroup: true, groupTitle: "Select / Combo Controls", fields : [{ name: "bugStatus", title: "Select", hint: "<nobr>A simple combobox</nobr>", editorType: "ComboBoxItem", valueMap : { "cat" : "Cat", "dog" : "Dog", "giraffe" : "Giraffe", "goat" : "Goat", "marmoset" : "Marmoset", "mouse" : "Mouse" }, icons: [{ name: "tel", src: "blank", // if inline icons are not supported by the browser, revert to a blank icon inline: true, text: "✆", baseStyle: "telIcon" }] }, { name: "itemName", title: "Item Name", editorType: "ComboBoxItem", optionDataSource: "supplyItem", icons: [{ name: "tel", src: "blank", // if inline icons are not supported by the browser, revert to a blank icon inline: true, text: "✆", baseStyle: "telIcon" }] }, { name: "selectItem", title: "Select", hint: "<nobr>A combobox with icons</nobr>", editorType: "SelectItem", valueMap : valueMap, valueIcons : valueIcons, imageURLPrefix : "flags/16/", imageURLSuffix : ".png", icons: [{ name: "tel", src: "blank", // if inline icons are not supported by the browser, revert to a blank icon inline: true, text: "✆", baseStyle: "telIcon" }] }, { name: "selectItem2", title: "Select", hint: "<nobr>A combobox with styled entries</nobr>", editorType: "SelectItem", valueMap : { "red" : "<span style='color:#FF0000;'>Red</span>", "green" : "<span style='color:#00FF00;'>Green</span>", "blue" : "<span style='color:#0000FF;'>Blue</span>" }, icons: [{ name: "tel", src: "blank", // if inline icons are not supported by the browser, revert to a blank icon inline: true, text: "✆", baseStyle: "telIcon" }] }, { name: "selectItemMultipleGrid", title: "Select Multiple (Grid)", editorType: "SelectItem", multiple: true, multipleAppearance: "grid", valueMap : { "cat" : "Cat", "dog" : "Dog", "giraffe" : "Giraffe", "goat" : "Goat", "marmoset" : "Marmoset", "mouse" : "Mouse" }, icons: [{ name: "tel", src: "blank", // if inline icons are not supported by the browser, revert to a blank icon inline: true, text: "✆", baseStyle: "telIcon" }] }, { name: "selectItemMultiplePickList", title: "Select Multiple (PickList)", editorType: "SelectItem", multiple: true, multipleAppearance: "picklist", valueMap : { "cat" : "Cat", "dog" : "Dog", "giraffe" : "Giraffe", "goat" : "Goat", "marmoset" : "Marmoset", "mouse" : "Mouse" }, icons: [{ name: "tel", src: "blank", // if inline icons are not supported by the browser, revert to a blank icon inline: true, text: "✆", baseStyle: "telIcon" }] } ] }); isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "dateForm", width: 620, fixedColWidths: true, colWidths: [190, "*"], isGroup: true, groupTitle: "Date Controls", fields : [{ name: "dateItem", title: "Date", hint: "<nobr>Picklist based date input</nobr>", editorType: "DateItem", textFieldProperties: {icons: [{ name: "tel", src: "blank", // if inline icons are not supported by the browser, revert to a blank icon inline: true, text: "✆", baseStyle: "telIcon" }]} }, { name: "dateItem2", title: "Date", hint: "<nobr>Direct date input</nobr>", editorType: "DateItem", useTextField: true, textFieldProperties: {icons: [{ name: "tel", src: "blank", // if inline icons are not supported by the browser, revert to a blank icon inline: true, text: "✆", baseStyle: "telIcon" }]} }, { name: "timeItem", title: "Time", editorType: "TimeItem", textFieldProperties: {icons: [{ name: "tel", src: "blank", // if inline icons are not supported by the browser, revert to a blank icon inline: true, text: "✆", baseStyle: "telIcon" }]} }, { name: "timeItem", title: "Time", hint: "Picklist based time input", editorType: "TimeItem", useTextField: false, textFieldProperties: {icons: [{ name: "tel", src: "blank", // if inline icons are not supported by the browser, revert to a blank icon inline: true, text: "✆", baseStyle: "telIcon" }]} }, { name: "dri", title: "Date Range", width: 400, editorType: "DateRangeItem", allowRelativeDates: true, fromDate: "$today", toDate: "-1m", icons: [{ name: "tel", src: "blank", // if inline icons are not supported by the browser, revert to a blank icon inline: true, text: "✆", baseStyle: "telIcon" }] }, { name: "mdri", title: "Mini Date Range", editorType: "MiniDateRangeItem", icons: [{ name: "tel", src: "blank", // if inline icons are not supported by the browser, revert to a blank icon inline: true, text: "✆", baseStyle: "telIcon" }] }, { name: "rdi", title: "Relative Date", editorType: "RelativeDateItem", icons: [{ name: "tel", src: "blank", // if inline icons are not supported by the browser, revert to a blank icon inline: true, text: "✆", baseStyle: "telIcon" }] } ] }); isc.VStack.create({ membersMargin: 10, members: [ form1, form2, dateForm] });