Hi there,
After setting a value into a comboBoxItem within a form, the pickList ist not properly shown below the combobox.
This only happen if a imageUrl is set and "suppressValueIcon" set to false.
Its reproducable with the lates version of Firefox 58.0 (64-Bit) (also Firefox 57.0.4 (64-Bit)) and the latest Version of Chrome (Version 63.0.3239.132) and the latest downloadable nightly SmartClient_v111p_2018-01-23_Pro
Best regards
After setting a value into a comboBoxItem within a form, the pickList ist not properly shown below the combobox.
This only happen if a imageUrl is set and "suppressValueIcon" set to false.
Its reproducable with the lates version of Firefox 58.0 (64-Bit) (also Firefox 57.0.4 (64-Bit)) and the latest Version of Chrome (Version 63.0.3239.132) and the latest downloadable nightly SmartClient_v111p_2018-01-23_Pro
Canvas.resizeControls(4); Canvas.resizeFonts(2); isc.DynamicForm.create({ "ID": "theForm", "autoDraw": true, "fields": [{ "ID": "theComboBoxItem", "name": "comboBoxItem", "title": "theComboBoxItem", "type": "text", "editorType": "comboBox", "width": 200, "imageURLPrefix": "https://www.root-me.org/squelettes/img/drap_", "imageURLSuffix": ".png", "readOnlyDisplay": "static", "valueIconSize": 16, "suppressValueIcon": false, "valueIcons": { 1: "de" }, "textMatchStyle": "substring", "allowEmptyValue": true, "valueMap": { "1": "This is the first item" } } ], "values": {} }); isc.Button.create({ click: function() { theComboBoxItem.setValue(1); }, top: 60, backgroundColo: "red", title: "set value", left: 20 });