Hi there,
We have a simple 2 column layout spread to 100%.
In the left colum there is a additional layout with also width of 100%. In there are two forms (blue and green in the screenshot below, also with maximum width).
On the right side, there is a HtmlPane with text in it.
If you are above a specific browser-size everything looks fine.
If I'm resizing the browser you can see in the screenshot the blue form/formitems have a specific width set, so the width of the left layout cannot decrease anymore. If you decrease the width of the browser window, the green form gets even smaller and smaller. also the right layout gets smaller.
Is there an option that the green form does not get smaller, if some other component in the layout blocks the resize of the layout? Like shown in the image below marked with (1)
This is reproducible in all common browsers and the latest nightly.
We have a simple 2 column layout spread to 100%.
In the left colum there is a additional layout with also width of 100%. In there are two forms (blue and green in the screenshot below, also with maximum width).
On the right side, there is a HtmlPane with text in it.
If you are above a specific browser-size everything looks fine.
If I'm resizing the browser you can see in the screenshot the blue form/formitems have a specific width set, so the width of the left layout cannot decrease anymore. If you decrease the width of the browser window, the green form gets even smaller and smaller. also the right layout gets smaller.
Is there an option that the green form does not get smaller, if some other component in the layout blocks the resize of the layout? Like shown in the image below marked with (1)
This is reproducible in all common browsers and the latest nightly.
Canvas.resizeControls(4); Canvas.resizeFonts(2); isc.HLayout.create({ "ID": "rootHLayout_33", height: "100%", width: "100%", border: "1px solid red", "autoDraw": true, "hideUsingDisplayNone": false, "hoverWidth": 200, "leaveScrollbarGap": false, "members": [ isc.VLayout.create({ "ID": "rootLayout_33", "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "border": "1px dashed green", "hideUsingDisplayNone": false, "hoverWidth": 200, "leaveScrollbarGap": false, "members": [ isc.DynamicForm.create({ "cellBorder": true, "backgroundColor": "#b2d8f1 !important", "ID": "theForm1", "width": "100%", "hideUsingDisplayNone": false, "hoverWidth": 200, "numCols": 5, "autoFocus": false, "selectOnFocus": true, "colWidths": [100, 250, 100, 200], "itemHoverDelay": 1200, "wrapItemTitles": false, "readOnlyDisplay": "static", "fields": [{ "ID": "theLabel11", "name": "theLabel11", "title": "Label 1.1", "type": "select", "width": "*", "valueMap": { "2": "SelectValue 2", "1": "SelectValue 1" } }, { "ID": "theLabel12", "name": "theLabel12", "title": "Label 1.2", "type": "text", "colSpan": 2, "width": "*" }, { "ID": "theLabel13", "name": "theLabel13", "title": "Label 1.3", "type": "text", "width": "*" }, { "ID": "theLabel14", "name": "theLabel14", "title": "Label 1.4", "type": "text", "colSpan": 2, "width": "*" }, { "ID": "theLabel15", "name": "theLabel15", "title": "Label 1.5", "type": "select", "width": "*", "valueMap": { "2": "SelectValue 2", "3": "SelectValue 3", "1": "SelectValue 1" } }, { "ID": "theLabel16", "name": "theLabel16", "title": "Label 1.6", "type": "date", "width": "110", "textAlign": "left", "readOnlyDisplay": "static", "useTextField": true, "showChooserWeekPicker": true, "startDate": new Date(2000, 0, 1), "endDate": new Date(2000, 0, 1) }, { "ID": "theStaticField", "name": "theStaticField", "type": "staticText", "width": "*", "showTitle": false }, { "ID": "theLabel17", "name": "theLabel17", "title": "Label 1.7", "type": "text" }, { "ID": "theLabel18", "name": "theLabel18", "title": "Label 1.8", "type": "text", "colSpan": 2, "hint": "<a href=\"tel:00000\"><img src=\"https://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/font-awesome/1792/phone-16.png\"><\/a>", "width": "*", "minHintWidth": 16 } ], "values": { "theLabel11": 1, "theLabel12": "Value 1.2", "theLabel13": "Value 1.3", "theLabel14": "Value 1.4", "theLabel15": 2, "theStaticField": "Value 1.5", "theLabel17": "Value 1.7", "theLabel18": "00000", } }), isc.DynamicForm.create({ "cellBorder": true, "backgroundColor": "#d8f1b2 !important", "ID": "theForm2", "width": "100%", "numCols": 3, "fields": [{ "ID": "theLabel21", "name": "theLabel21", "title": "Label 2.1", "type": "date", "colSpan": 3, "width": 115, "useTextField": true, "showChooserWeekPicker": true },{ "ID": "theLabel22", "name": "theLabel22", "title": "Label 2.2", "type": "text", "width": 80, "startRow": true }, { "ID": "theLabel23", "name": "theLabel23", "type": "select", "title": "Label 2.3", "width": 250, "valueMap": { "1": "SelectValue", } } ], "values": { "theLabel23": 1 } }) ] }), isc.HTMLPane.create({ "ID": "helpPane", "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "contents": "<h3>Text</h3><p>Left and right Layout are both set to width: 100%<br><br><br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.<\/p>", "padding": 4 }) ] })