SmartClient Version: v11.1p_2018-02-20/AllModules Development Only (built 2018-02-20)
Chrome on OSX
Hello, please modify the #upload sample like this:
Actually I've just modified the click handler in the save button of the uploadForm: I've added willHandleError:true in the requestProperties.
Then type a title and try to load a file which exceed the 5MB limit.
You'll see that the callback isn't called, even with willHandleError:true.
Chrome on OSX
Hello, please modify the #upload sample like this:
var firstTime = true; isc.DynamicForm.create({ autoDraw: false, ID: "uploadForm", width: 300, dataSource: mediaLibrary, fields: [ { name: "title", required: true }, { name: "image", type: "imageFile", hint: "Maximum file size is 5 MiB" }, { title: "Save", type: "button", click: function () { this.form.saveData("if(dsResponse.status>=0) {isc.warn('Maximum file size exceeded')}", {willHandleError:true}); } } ] }); isc.DynamicForm.create({ autoDraw: false, ID: "searchForm", width: "100%", numCols: 3, colWidths: [60, 200, "*"], saveOnEnter:true, fields: [ { name: "title", title: "Title", type: "text", width: "*" }, { name: "search", title: "Search", type: "SubmitItem", startRow: false, endRow: false } ], submit : function () { mediaTileGrid.fetchData(this.getValuesAsCriteria(), null, {textMatchStyle:"substring"}); } }); isc.IButton.create({ autoDraw: false, ID: "viewAsTiles", title: "View as Tiles", autoFit: true, icon: "[ISO_DOCS_SKIN]/images/silkicons/application_view_tile.png", value: true, radioGroup: "views", actionType: "checkbox", click: function(){ showTileGrid(); } }); isc.IButton.create({ autoDraw: false, ID:"viewAsList", title: "View as List", autoFit: true, icon: "[ISO_DOCS_SKIN]/images/silkicons/application_view_detail.png", radioGroup: "views", actionType: "checkbox", click: function(){ showListGrid(); } }); isc.HLayout.create({ autoDraw: false, ID: "buttons", width: 500, membersMargin: 5, padding: 5, members: [viewAsTiles, viewAsList] }); isc.TileGrid.create({ autoDraw: false, ID: "mediaTileGrid", width: "100%", height: 224, tileWidth: 100, tileHeight: 150, dataSource: mediaLibrary, autoFetchData: true }); isc.ListGrid.create({ autoDraw: false, ID: "mediaListGrid", width: "100%", height: 224, alternateRecordStyles: true, dataSource: mediaLibrary }); isc.VLayout.create({ autoDraw: false, ID:"mainLayout", width:500, height:250, members:[searchForm, buttons, mediaTileGrid, mediaListGrid] }); isc.HStack.create({ width:"100%", membersMargin: 10, members:[uploadForm, mainLayout] });; function showTileGrid() { mediaListGrid.hide();; } function showListGrid() { if (firstTime) { firstTime = false; mediaListGrid.setData(mediaTileGrid.getData()); } mediaTileGrid.hide();; }
Then type a title and try to load a file which exceed the 5MB limit.
You'll see that the callback isn't called, even with willHandleError:true.