I'm using SpinnerItem for my page. I need to make the textItem of the spinner as readonly, where user can't input any value and able to click the plus and minus button.
Here's my code,
When I set it to canEdit:false, the whole SpinnerItem is disabled. So how do I make only the TextItem is disabled/readonly?
I've tried the readOnlyTextBoxStyle, both TextItem and plus/minus button is disabled. As it is read-only (canEdit:false) and is using readOnlyDisplay:"static"
And may I know how to use 'unstackedReadOnlyTextBoxStyle' as I saw this on SmartClient reference.
Here's my code,
{name:"good", title: "Good", editorType: "SpinnerItem", writeStackedIcons: false, defaultValue: 0, min: 0, step: 1, canEdit: false}
I've tried the readOnlyTextBoxStyle, both TextItem and plus/minus button is disabled. As it is read-only (canEdit:false) and is using readOnlyDisplay:"static"
And may I know how to use 'unstackedReadOnlyTextBoxStyle' as I saw this on SmartClient reference.