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    FacetChart doesn't always appear in Chrome on XP

    Using Chrome ( 23.0.1271.97 m) on XP (SP3) the FacetChart in your online example (8.3b/WWW Deployment or SmartClient_v83p_2012-12-19) does not load:

    On Win7 and Vista with Chrome it *does* load.

    If you subsequently manually resize it:

    then it draws.

    However, if you then change the width above 263, keeping the height at 250, the chart disappears again.

    FYI isc.Page.getWindowRect shows 1154 x 698pixels.

    Not reproducible in your exact specified environment. We'd recommend trying other XP machine to see if you can reproduce this anywhere else.


      Indeed, I did try it on other XP machines and it happened on them, too. Running the JS to change the width and height also made the chart appear on those machines, too and they disappeared again when setting the width higher than 263 pixels.

      However Chrome on Win7, Vista and OSX seemed fine.


        Well, we were unable to reproduce it in those circumstances, using a wide variety of widths and heights in addition to what you specified.

        There could be something in common between all your XP machines - same browser plugins, same OS-level customizations, etc.

        If you want use to take another look, maybe you can create an example that's standalone and already has the exact sizes needed to reliably create the issue for you.


          Thanks for looking at this. I have narrowed it down to the following:

          The bug appears to be very specific. Using an XP machine on VMWare Fusion 4 on OSX 10.7.5 with the 'Accelerate 3D Graphics' option turned on the bug appears.

          If you turn off 'Accelerate 3D graphics' or you launch chrome with --disable-accelerated-2d-canvas, then the chart appears correctly.

          Others seem to report problems with canvas under these circumstances both in a GCF and chrome standalone:


          The only frustrating thing is that the chart does appear when it is resized within certain limits as stated before!

          Given how specific the bug environment is, I'm not going to worry too much about this one!


            Thanks for letting us know. Maybe this post will explain a mystery for another user that hits the same issue.

