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    Safari (Windows) HTMLFlow Contents


    I have the following issue.
    There is a HTMLFlow element in my page. Now I add some custom HTML to it as a string, for an example simply: "<div style='background: red;'>Hello</div>".
    Let say that the HTMLFlow has width of 800. In IE, Firefox and Opera the DIV with the red background will stretch to fill the HTMLFlow, but in Safari (Latest Windows Version) the width of the DIV will be just as the word "Hello".

    But if I copy/paste the generated HTML (using FireBug) and preview it in Safari again, everything will work.
    Note also that in the Isc Console the width of the HTMLFlow is correct, only the HTML inside is not stretching.

    I will appreciate any ideas on how to fix this as we are rebuilding a huge application with Isomorphic and some parts will be left as they are, but at lest I want to add them into an Isomorphic layouts using HTML flow.


    Hi Jakooth,

    It's hard to recommend a general approach here - different browsers have different layout bugs, which is kind of the point of SmartClient :) Certainly, we understand the apparent time savings of not converting parts of the application yet, but it could be harder to work through the cross-platform bugs than migrate the application to SmartClient and stop worrying about them.

    1) are you loading this HTML in an HTMLFlow with contentsType:"page"? We recommend "fragment" (the default) if at all possible

    2) Do you have control over the HTML that is generated? Can you try adding width="100%" to force Safari to stretch the content?

