Hi there, we are trying to complete an upgrade from 10.0 to 12.0. Unfortunately, we are running into very time consuming investigations on why our application is so much slower with 12.0. I am combing over our application nearly line by line to figure out where the bottlenecks are.
We have a grid where the user can choose between 800+ fields to display and they will typically have 10-15 different views each showing perhaps 15 fields. So, this.fields is 15 while this.getAllFields() is 800. I found this line is now different in calculateRecordSummaries()
var fieldsToUpdate = this.fields;
var fieldsToUpdate = this.skipHiddenUserSummaryFields ? this.fields : this.getAllFields();
This is a major performance hit for our application because this.getAllFields() returns so many fields that were not being returned in 10.0. I am looking for information on skipHiddenUserSummaryFields but I don't see much in the code, in the forums, or in the docs. Can you shed any light on this property and whether we are safe to set that to true or just use the original line from 10.0 as an override? Any other suggestions on how we can speed up the process of finding these bottlenecks for a gird like ours would be helpful as this has been very slow and painful. I've noticed that sorting is significantly slower for our grid and still tracking through to figure out why.
We have a grid where the user can choose between 800+ fields to display and they will typically have 10-15 different views each showing perhaps 15 fields. So, this.fields is 15 while this.getAllFields() is 800. I found this line is now different in calculateRecordSummaries()
var fieldsToUpdate = this.fields;
var fieldsToUpdate = this.skipHiddenUserSummaryFields ? this.fields : this.getAllFields();
This is a major performance hit for our application because this.getAllFields() returns so many fields that were not being returned in 10.0. I am looking for information on skipHiddenUserSummaryFields but I don't see much in the code, in the forums, or in the docs. Can you shed any light on this property and whether we are safe to set that to true or just use the original line from 10.0 as an override? Any other suggestions on how we can speed up the process of finding these bottlenecks for a gird like ours would be helpful as this has been very slow and painful. I've noticed that sorting is significantly slower for our grid and still tracking through to figure out why.