After clicking remove button in ListGrid, when row being remove is animated, all rows below shift few pixels to the left for while being animated on Chrome 68.0.3440.75 on Mac.
Also animation is not played when warnOnRemoval is false.
Best regards,
After clicking remove button in ListGrid, when row being remove is animated, all rows below shift few pixels to the left for while being animated on Chrome 68.0.3440.75 on Mac.
Also animation is not played when warnOnRemoval is false.
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "countryList", autoDraw:false, width:500, height:224, alternateRecordStyles:true, dataSource: worldDS, // display a subset of fields from the datasource fields:[ {name:"countryCode"}, {name:"countryName"}, {name:"capital"}, {name:"continent"} ], sortField: 1, // sort by countryName dataPageSize: 50, autoFetchData: true, canRemoveRecords: true, warnOnRemoval: true }) isc.IButton.create({ ID:"buttonRemoveFirst", width:140, autoDraw:false, title:"Remove first", click:"countryList.removeData(countryList.data.get(0))" }) isc.IButton.create({ ID:"buttonRemoverFirstSel", minWidth:140, autoFit:true, autoDraw:false, title:"Remove first selected", click: function () { if (countryList.getSelectedRecord()) { countryList.removeData(countryList.getSelectedRecord()) } } }) isc.IButton.create({ ID:"buttonRemoveAllSel", width:140, autoDraw:false, title:"Remove all selected", click: function () { if (countryList.getSelection().getLength() > 0) { countryList.getSelection().map(function (item) { countryList.removeData(item) }); } } }) isc.HStack.create({ ID:"hStackButtons", autoDraw:false, membersMargin:20, members: [ buttonRemoveFirst, buttonRemoverFirstSel, buttonRemoveAllSel ] }); isc.VLayout.create({ membersMargin:15, members: [ countryList, hStackButtons ] });