Trying to create VLayout type Portal Node that contains a simple Button creation and adding it to the Dashboard show case exanple
we added a TestLayout to ListPallets data
, { title:"TestLayout", type:"VLayout", defaults: { width: "100%", height: "100%", autoDraw:false, members: [ isc.IButton.create() ] } }
not sure if the dashboard was meant for creating custom layouts
here is the full test case :
// Palette Node used to create a default portal var initialPortalPaletteNode = { type: "PortalLayout", defaults: { width: "100%", height: "100%", canResizePortlets: true } }; // Grid to display the list of available dashboards isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "dashboardList", dataSource: "dashboards", autoFetchData: true, selectionType: "single", sortField: "description", leaveScrollbarGap: false, // Allow edit of portal description (via context menu) canEdit: true, editEvent: "none", // And removal of dashboards canRemoveRecords: true, fields: [ { name: "description" } ], cellContextMenuConstructor: "Menu", cellContextClick : function (record, rowNum, colNum) { // create the cellContextMenu if necessary if (!this.cellContextMenu) { this.cellContextMenu = this.createAutoChild("cellContextMenu"); } var menuItems = [ { title : "Rename", rowNum: rowNum, click : "target.startEditing(item.rowNum)" }, { isSeparator: true }, { title : "Edit", click : "target.clearCurrentDashboard(); target.editDashboard()" }, { title : "Clone", click : "target.clearCurrentDashboard(); target.cloneDashboard()" } ]; this.cellContextMenu.setData(menuItems); this.cellContextMenu.showContextMenu(this); // return false to kill the standard context menu return false; }, recordDoubleClick : function (viewer, record, recordNum, field, fieldNum, value, rawValue) { viewer.clearCurrentDashboard(); viewer.viewDashboard(); }, clearCurrentDashboard : function () { editPane.destroyAll(); editPane.hide(); editToolbar.hide(); }, editDashboard : function () { var record = this.getSelectedRecord(); if (record) { editPane.setPortal(record.layout);;; this.showPalette(); } this._currentRecord = record; }, viewDashboard : function () { var record = this.getSelectedRecord(); if (record) { editPane.addPaletteNodesFromXML(record.layout);; editToolbar.hide(); this.hidePalette(); } this._currentRecord = record; }, newDashboard : function () { this.clearCurrentDashboard(); this._currentRecord = null; // Add a PortalLayout to the editPane editPane.setInitialPortal(initialPortalPaletteNode);;; this.showPalette(); this.saveDashboard(); }, cloneDashboard : function () { var record = this.getSelectedRecord(); if (record) { this.cloneRecord(record); } }, showPalette : function () { selector.enableTab(1); selector.selectTab(1); }, hidePalette : function () { selector.disableTab(1); selector.selectTab(0); }, refreshDashboard : function () { this.clearCurrentDashboard(); this.editDashboard(); }, saveDashboard : function () { var editNodes = editPane.serializeAllEditNodes({ indent: false }); if (this._currentRecord) { this._currentRecord.layout = editNodes; this.updateData(this._currentRecord); } else { var grid = this; this.addData({ description: "New dashboard", layout: editNodes }, function (response, data, request) { if (data && data.length > 0) { grid.selectSingleRecord(data[0]); grid._currentRecord = data[0]; } }); } }, cloneRecord : function (record) { this.addData({ description: record.description, layout: record.layout}); } }); isc.IButton.create({ ID: "viewButton", title: "View", autoFit: true, click : function () { dashboardList.clearCurrentDashboard(); dashboardList.viewDashboard(); } }); isc.IButton.create({ ID: "editButton", title: "Edit", autoFit: true, click : function () { dashboardList.clearCurrentDashboard(); dashboardList.editDashboard(); } }); isc.IButton.create({ ID: "newButton", title: "New", autoFit: true, click : function () { dashboardList.newDashboard(); } }); isc.IButton.create({ ID: "cloneButton", title: "Clone", autoFit: true, click : function () { dashboardList.cloneDashboard(); } }); isc.HLayout.create({ ID: "selectToolbar", height: 30, membersMargin: 10, defaultLayoutAlign: "center", members: [ isc.LayoutSpacer.create(), viewButton, editButton, newButton, cloneButton ] }) isc.VLayout.create({ ID: "selectLayout", members: [ dashboardList, selectToolbar ] }); // The ListPalette contains components available // for use, with default settings. isc.ListPalette.create({ ID: "listPalette", leaveScrollbarGap: false, // The regular ListGrid property fields: [ {name: "title", title: "Component"} ], // We are supplying the component data inline for this example. // However, ListPalette is a subclass of ListGrid, so you could // also use a dataSource. data: [{ title: "Animals", type: "ListGrid", defaults: { dataSource: "animals", autoFetchData: true, showFilterEditor: true } },{ title: "Supply Categories", type: "ListGrid", defaults: { dataSource: "supplyCategory", autoFetchData: true, showFilterEditor: true } },{ title: "Supply Items", type: "ListGrid", defaults: { dataSource: "supplyItem", autoFetchData: true, showFilterEditor: true } }, { title:"TestLayout", type:"VLayout", defaults: { width: "100%", height: "100%", autoDraw:false, members: [ isc.IButton.create() ] } } ] }); isc.TabSet.create({ ID: "selector", height: "100%", tabs: [ {title: "Dashboards", pane: selectLayout }, {title: "Palette", pane: listPalette, disabled: true } ] }); isc.EditPane.create({ ID: "editPane", visibility: "hidden", extraPalettes: isc.HiddenPalette.create({ data: [ { title: "ListGridField", type: "ListGridField" } ] }), setInitialPortal : function (paletteNode) { var editNode = this.addFromPaletteNode(paletteNode); this.getEditContext().defaultParent = editNode; }, setPortal : function (xml) { var editContext = this.getEditContext(), editTree = editContext.getEditNodeTree(), rootNode = editContext.getRootEditNode() ; this.addPaletteNodesFromXML(xml, null, null, function (paletteNodes) { // PortalLayout is assumed to be the first node under root. var childNodes = editTree.getChildren(rootNode), editNode = (childNodes && childNodes.length > 0 ? childNodes[0] : null) ; editContext.defaultParent = editNode; }); } }); // Make the new editPane the default Edit Context for the palette, // to support double-clicking on components in the palette to create them listPalette.setDefaultEditContext(editPane); editPane.setDefaultPalette(listPalette); // Add a PortalLayout to the editPane editPane.setInitialPortal(initialPortalPaletteNode); isc.IButton.create({ ID: "saveButton", title: "Save", autoFit: true, click : function () { dashboardList.saveDashboard(); } }); isc.IButton.create({ ID: "discardButton", title: "Discard changes", autoFit: true, click : function () { dashboardList.refreshDashboard(); } }); isc.HLayout.create({ ID: "editToolbar", height: 30, membersMargin: 10, defaultLayoutAlign: "center", visibility: "hidden", members: [ isc.LayoutSpacer.create(), saveButton, discardButton ] }) isc.VLayout.create({ ID: "dashboardLayout", width: "100%", height: "100%", members: [ editPane, editToolbar ] }); isc.SplitPane.create({ ID: "splitPane", width: "100%", height: "100%", showLeftButton:true, showRightButton:false, detailPane: dashboardLayout, navigationPane: selector, navigationTitle: "Selector" });