Hi Isomorphic,
please see this modified sample (v12.0p_2018-08-10):
Best regards
please see this modified sample (v12.0p_2018-08-10):
var valueMap = { "US" : "United States", "CH" : "China", "JA" : "Japan", "IN" : "India", "GM" : "Germany", "FR" : "France", "IT" : "Italy", "RS" : "Russia", "BR" : "Brazil", "CA" : "Canada", "MX" : "Mexico", "SP" : "Spain" } isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID:"showIconsOnFocusForm", colWidths:["*", "*"], isGroup:true, groupTitle:"Show Icons On Focus", width:650, padding:5, canTabToIcons:false, titleOrientation:"top", items:[ {type:"BlurbItem", value:"Picker Icons"}, {name:"comboBoxItem", editorType:"ComboBoxItem", title:"Combo Box", valueMap:valueMap, width:"100%", showPickerIconOnFocus:true }, {name:"dateItem", editorType:"DateItem", useTextField:true, width:"100%", title:"Date Item", showPickerIconOnFocus:true}, {name: "colorItem", editorType:"ColorItem", width:"100%", title:"Color Item", showPickerIconOnFocus:true}, {name:"spinnerItem", editorType:"SpinnerItem", width:"100%", title:"Spinner Item", showPickerIconOnFocus:true}, {type:"RowSpacerItem"}, {type:"BlurbItem", value:"Custom Icons"}, // Show custom icons on focus {name:"customIcon", editorType:"SelectItem", title:"External Icon", showIconsOnFocus:true, value:2, valueMap:{ 1:"Severity 1", 2:"Severity 2", 3:"Severity 3" }, helpText: "<br><b>Severity 1</b> - Critical problem<br>System is unavailable in production or " + "is corrupting data, and the error severely impacts the user's operations." + "<br><br><b>Severity 2</b> - Major problem<br>An important function of the system " + "is not available in production, and the user's operations are restricted." + "<br><br><b>Severity 3</b> - Minor problem<br>Inability to use a function of the " + "system occurs, but it does not seriously affect the user's operations.", icons: [{ src: "other/help.png", click: "isc.say(item.helpText)" }] }, {name:"inclineIcons", editorType:"TextItem", title:"Inline Icons", suppressBrowserClearIcon:true, showIconsOnFocus:true, icons: [{ name: "view", src: "[SKINIMG]actions/view.png", hspace: 5, inline: true, baseStyle: "roundedTextItemIcon", showRTL: true }, { name: "clear", src: "[SKINIMG]actions/close.png", width: 10, height: 10, inline: true, prompt: "Clear this field", click : function (form, item, icon) { item.clearValue(); item.focusInItem(); } }], iconWidth: 16, iconHeight: 16 } ] });
- SpinnerItem does not support showPickerIconOnFocus:true
- With titleOrientation:"top" only, the "Inline Icons" FormItem needs two clicks to activate, when coming from the SelectItem:
(Change from "Color Item" OK, Change from "External Icon" needs two clicks)
Best regards