Hi Isomorphic,
please see this modified sample (v11.1p_2018-09-01) and how the color of the title differs for the PickTreeItem.
(It also differs for the RadioGroup, but this is disabled and therefore OK).
This is very minor for me.
Best regards
please see this modified sample (v11.1p_2018-09-01) and how the color of the title differs for the PickTreeItem.
(It also differs for the RadioGroup, but this is disabled and therefore OK).
var departmentTree = isc.Tree.create({ modelType: "children", root: { name: "root", children: [{ id: 1000, name: "Marketing", children: [ { id: 1001, name: "Advertising" }, { id: 1002, name: "Community Relations" } ] }, { id: 2000, name: "Sales", children: [ { id: 2001, name: "Channel Sales" }, { id: 2002, name: "Direct Sales" } ] }, { id: 3000, name: "Manufacturing", children: [ { id: 3001, name: "Design" }, { id: 3002, name: "Development" }, { id: 3003, name: "QA" } ] }, { id: 4000, name: "Services", children: [ { id: 4001, name: "Support" }, { id: 4002, name: "Consulting" } ] }] } }); isc.DataSource.create({ ID: "clientOnlyUsersDS", clientOnly: true, fields: [{ name: "id", title: "ID", type: "integer", primaryKey: true, hidden: true }, { name: "name", title: "Name" }], cacheData: [ { id: 1, name: "Max" }, { id: 2, name: "Bethany" }, { id: 3, name: "Zach" }, { id: 4, name: "Francesca" } ] }); isc.DataSource.create({ ID: "clientOnlyUserFavoritesDS", clientOnly: true, fields: [{ name: "id", title: "ID", type: "integer", primaryKey: true, hidden: true }, { name: "userID", type: "integer", foreignKey: "clientOnlyUsersDS.id", title: "User ID" }, { name: "favoriteAnimal", title: "Favorite Animal" }, { name: "favoriteNumber", type: "number", title: "Favorite Integer (0 - 100)" }, { name: "hasFavoriteColor", title: "Has a Favorite Color?", type: "boolean" }, { name: "favoriteColor", valueMap: ["Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Indigo", "Violet"] }, { name: "favoriteDate", type: "date", title: "Favorite Date" }, { name: "favoriteTime", type: "time", title: "Favorite Time" }, { name: "favoriteMusicGenres", multiple: true, title: "Favorite Music Genres", valueMap: ["Alternative", "Classical", "Country", "Folk", "Hip Hop", "Jazz", "Pop", "R&B", "Rock", "World", "Other"] }, { name: "favoriteVacationDestination", title: "Favorite Vacation Destination", valueMap: { "AS": "Australia", "BR": "Brazil", "CA": "Canada", "CH": "China", "FR": "France", "GM": "Germany", "IN": "India", "ID": "Indonesia", "IT": "Italy", "JA": "Japan", "MX": "Mexico", "RS": "Russia", "KS": "South Korea", "SP": "Spain", "UK": "United Kingdom", "US": "United States" } }, { name: "favoriteCuisines", multiple: true, title: "Favorite Cuisines", valueMap: { "US": "American", "AS": "Australian", "BR": "Brazilian", "UK": "British", "CA": "Canadian", "CH": "Chinese", "FR": "French", "GM": "German", "IN": "Indian", "ID": "Indonesian", "IT": "Italian", "JA": "Japanese", "KS": "Korean", "MX": "Mexican", "RS": "Russian", "SP": "Spanish" } }, { name: "favoriteDepartment", title: "Favorite Department" }], cacheData: [ { id: 1, userID: 1, favoriteAnimal: "Lemur", favoriteNumber: 90, hasFavoriteColor: false, favoriteDate: isc.Date.createLogicalDate(2000, 0, 1), favoriteTime: isc.Date.createLogicalTime(0, 0), favoriteMusicGenres: ["Classical", "Rock", "World"], favoriteVacationDestination: "JA", favoriteCuisines: ["CA", "CH", "IN", "RS"], favoriteDepartment: 4002 }, { id: 2, userID: 2, favoriteAnimal: "Zebra", favoriteNumber: 12, hasFavoriteColor: true, favoriteColor: "Orange", favoriteDate: isc.Date.createLogicalDate(2012, 11, 12), favoriteTime: isc.Date.createLogicalTime(12, 12), favoriteMusicGenres: ["Alternative", "Hip Hop"], favoriteVacationDestination: "US", favoriteCuisines: ["US", "AS", "BR", "UK"], favoriteDepartment: 3002 }, { id: 3, userID: 3, favoriteAnimal: "Elephant", favoriteNumber: 10, hasFavoriteColor: true, favoriteColor: "Green", favoriteDate: isc.Date.createLogicalDate(2010, 9, 10), favoriteTime: isc.Date.createLogicalTime(10, 10), favoriteMusicGenres: ["Country", "Folk"], favoriteVacationDestination: "MX", favoriteCuisines: ["GM", "ID", "JA", "MX"], favoriteDepartment: 1001 }, { id: 4, userID: 4, favoriteAnimal: "Blue Whale", favoriteNumber: 55, hasFavoriteColor: true, favoriteColor: "Blue", favoriteDate: isc.Date.createLogicalDate(2005, 4, 5), favoriteTime: isc.Date.createLogicalTime(12, 0), favoriteMusicGenres: ["Pop", "R&B", "Other"], favoriteVacationDestination: "SP", favoriteCuisines: ["FR", "IT", "KS", "SP"], favoriteDepartment: 3001 } ] }); var favoritesForm = isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "favoritesForm", autoDraw: false, canEdit:false, //readOnlyDisplay:"disabled", autoFetchData: true, initialCriteria: { userID: 1 }, width: 500, colWidths: [175, "*"], dataSource: clientOnlyUserFavoritesDS, revertValueKey: "Escape", items: [{ name: "userID", title: "User", editorType: "SelectItem", optionDataSource: "clientOnlyUsersDS", valueField: "id", displayField: "name", changed : function (form, item, value) { form.fetchData({ userID: value }, function (dsResponse, data, dsRequest) { var hasFavoriteColor = (data != null && data.length >= 1 && !!data[0].hasFavoriteColor) form.getItem("favoriteColor").setDisabled(!hasFavoriteColor); }); } }, { name: "favoriteAnimal", showPending: true }, { name: "favoriteNumber", editorType: "SliderItem", height: 30, minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, showPending: true }, { name: "hasFavoriteColor", editorType: "CheckboxItem", showPending: true, changed : function (form, item, value) { form.getItem("favoriteColor").setDisabled(!value); } }, { name: "favoriteColor", editorType: "RadioGroupItem", disabled: true, showPending: true }, { name: "favoriteDate", editorType: "DateItem", showPending: true }, { name: "favoriteTime", editorType: "TimeItem", showPending: true }, { name: "favoriteMusicGenres", editorType: "MultiComboBoxItem", useInsertionOrder: false, showPending: true }, { name: "favoriteVacationDestination", wrapTitle: false, editorType: "SelectItem", showPending: true, imageURLPrefix: "flags/16/", imageURLSuffix: ".png", getValueIcon : function (value) { return value; } }, { name: "favoriteCuisines", editorType: "SelectItem", width: "*", showPending: true, imageURLPrefix: "flags/16/", imageURLSuffix: ".png", getValueIcon : function (value) { if (isc.isAn.Array(value)) return null; return value; } }, { name: "favoriteDepartment", editorType: "PickTreeItem", width: 140, displayField: "name", valueField: "id", valueTree: departmentTree, showPending: true }, { name: "favoriteTextItem", editorType: "TextItem", width: 140, displayField: "name", defaultValue: "A short text", showPending: true }, { name: "favoriteTextAreaItem", editorType: "TextAreaItem", width: 140, displayField: "name", defaultValue: "A very long text", showPending: true }] }); isc.HStack.create({ width: "100%", members: [favoritesForm] });
This is very minor for me.
Best regards