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    11.1p PickTreeItem field title color issue

    Hi Isomorphic,

    please see this modified sample (v11.1p_2018-09-01) and how the color of the title differs for the PickTreeItem.
    (It also differs for the RadioGroup, but this is disabled and therefore OK).

    Click image for larger version

Name:	PickTreeItem title color issue.png
Views:	250
Size:	27.9 KB
ID:	254834
    var departmentTree = isc.Tree.create({
        modelType: "children",
        root: {
            name: "root",
            children: [{
                id: 1000,
                name: "Marketing",
                children: [
                    { id: 1001, name: "Advertising" },
                    { id: 1002, name: "Community Relations" }
            }, {
                id: 2000,
                name: "Sales",
                children: [
                    { id: 2001, name: "Channel Sales" },
                    { id: 2002, name: "Direct Sales" }
            }, {
                id: 3000,
                name: "Manufacturing",
                children: [
                    { id: 3001, name: "Design" },
                    { id: 3002, name: "Development" },
                    { id: 3003, name: "QA" }
            }, {
                id: 4000,
                name: "Services",
                children: [
                    { id: 4001, name: "Support" },
                    { id: 4002, name: "Consulting" }
        ID: "clientOnlyUsersDS",
        clientOnly: true,
        fields: [{
            name: "id",
            title: "ID",
            type: "integer",
            primaryKey: true,
            hidden: true
        }, {
            name: "name",
            title: "Name"
        cacheData: [
            { id: 1, name: "Max" },
            { id: 2, name: "Bethany" },
            { id: 3, name: "Zach" },
            { id: 4, name: "Francesca" }
        ID: "clientOnlyUserFavoritesDS",
        clientOnly: true,
        fields: [{
            name: "id",
            title: "ID",
            type: "integer",
            primaryKey: true,
            hidden: true
        }, {
            name: "userID",
            type: "integer",
            foreignKey: "",
            title: "User ID"
        }, {
            name: "favoriteAnimal",
            title: "Favorite Animal"
        }, {
            name: "favoriteNumber",
            type: "number",
            title: "Favorite Integer (0 - 100)"
        }, {
            name: "hasFavoriteColor",
            title: "Has a Favorite Color?",
            type: "boolean"
        }, {
            name: "favoriteColor",
            valueMap: ["Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Indigo", "Violet"]
        }, {
            name: "favoriteDate",
            type: "date",
            title: "Favorite Date"
        }, {
            name: "favoriteTime",
            type: "time",
            title: "Favorite Time"
        }, {
            name: "favoriteMusicGenres",
            multiple: true,
            title: "Favorite Music Genres",
            valueMap: ["Alternative", "Classical", "Country", "Folk", "Hip Hop", "Jazz", "Pop", "R&B", "Rock", "World", "Other"]
        }, {
            name: "favoriteVacationDestination",
            title: "Favorite Vacation Destination",
            valueMap: {
                "AS": "Australia",
                "BR": "Brazil",
                "CA": "Canada",
                "CH": "China",
                "FR": "France",
                "GM": "Germany",
                "IN": "India",
                "ID": "Indonesia",
                "IT": "Italy",
                "JA": "Japan",
                "MX": "Mexico",
                "RS": "Russia",
                "KS": "South Korea",
                "SP": "Spain",
                "UK": "United Kingdom",
                "US": "United States"
        }, {
            name: "favoriteCuisines",
            multiple: true,
            title: "Favorite Cuisines",
            valueMap: {
                "US": "American",
                "AS": "Australian",
                "BR": "Brazilian",
                "UK": "British",
                "CA": "Canadian",
                "CH": "Chinese",
                "FR": "French",
                "GM": "German",
                "IN": "Indian",
                "ID": "Indonesian",
                "IT": "Italian",
                "JA": "Japanese",
                "KS": "Korean",
                "MX": "Mexican",
                "RS": "Russian",
                "SP": "Spanish"
        }, {
            name: "favoriteDepartment",
            title: "Favorite Department"
        cacheData: [
                id: 1,
                userID: 1,
                favoriteAnimal: "Lemur",
                favoriteNumber: 90,
                hasFavoriteColor: false,
                favoriteDate: isc.Date.createLogicalDate(2000, 0, 1),
                favoriteTime: isc.Date.createLogicalTime(0, 0),
                favoriteMusicGenres: ["Classical", "Rock", "World"],
                favoriteVacationDestination: "JA",
                favoriteCuisines: ["CA", "CH", "IN", "RS"],
                favoriteDepartment: 4002
                id: 2,
                userID: 2,
                favoriteAnimal: "Zebra",
                favoriteNumber: 12,
                hasFavoriteColor: true,
                favoriteColor: "Orange",
                favoriteDate: isc.Date.createLogicalDate(2012, 11, 12),
                favoriteTime: isc.Date.createLogicalTime(12, 12),
                favoriteMusicGenres: ["Alternative", "Hip Hop"],
                favoriteVacationDestination: "US",
                favoriteCuisines: ["US", "AS", "BR", "UK"],
                favoriteDepartment: 3002
                id: 3,
                userID: 3,
                favoriteAnimal: "Elephant",
                favoriteNumber: 10,
                hasFavoriteColor: true,
                favoriteColor: "Green",
                favoriteDate: isc.Date.createLogicalDate(2010, 9, 10),
                favoriteTime: isc.Date.createLogicalTime(10, 10),
                favoriteMusicGenres: ["Country", "Folk"],
                favoriteVacationDestination: "MX",
                favoriteCuisines: ["GM", "ID", "JA", "MX"],
                favoriteDepartment: 1001
                id: 4,
                userID: 4,
                favoriteAnimal: "Blue Whale",
                favoriteNumber: 55,
                hasFavoriteColor: true,
                favoriteColor: "Blue",
                favoriteDate: isc.Date.createLogicalDate(2005, 4, 5),
                favoriteTime: isc.Date.createLogicalTime(12, 0),
                favoriteMusicGenres: ["Pop", "R&B", "Other"],
                favoriteVacationDestination: "SP",
                favoriteCuisines: ["FR", "IT", "KS", "SP"],
                favoriteDepartment: 3001
    var favoritesForm = isc.DynamicForm.create({
        ID: "favoritesForm",
        autoDraw: false, canEdit:false, //readOnlyDisplay:"disabled",
        autoFetchData: true,
        initialCriteria: { userID: 1 },
        width: 500,
        colWidths: [175, "*"],
        dataSource: clientOnlyUserFavoritesDS,
        revertValueKey: "Escape",
        items: [{
            name: "userID",
            title: "User",
            editorType: "SelectItem",
            optionDataSource: "clientOnlyUsersDS",
            valueField: "id",
            displayField: "name",
            changed : function (form, item, value) {
                form.fetchData({ userID: value }, function (dsResponse, data, dsRequest) {
                    var hasFavoriteColor = (data != null && data.length >= 1 &&
        }, {
            name: "favoriteAnimal",
            showPending: true
        }, {
            name: "favoriteNumber",
            editorType: "SliderItem",
            height: 30,
            minValue: 0,
            maxValue: 100,
            showPending: true
        }, {
            name: "hasFavoriteColor",
            editorType: "CheckboxItem",
            showPending: true,
            changed : function (form, item, value) {
        }, {
            name: "favoriteColor",
            editorType: "RadioGroupItem",
            disabled: true,
            showPending: true
        }, {
            name: "favoriteDate",
            editorType: "DateItem",
            showPending: true
        }, {
            name: "favoriteTime",
            editorType: "TimeItem",
            showPending: true
        }, {
            name: "favoriteMusicGenres",
            editorType: "MultiComboBoxItem",
            useInsertionOrder: false,
            showPending: true
        }, {
            name: "favoriteVacationDestination",
            wrapTitle: false,
            editorType: "SelectItem",
            showPending: true,
            imageURLPrefix: "flags/16/",
            imageURLSuffix: ".png",
            getValueIcon : function (value) {
                return value;
        }, {
            name: "favoriteCuisines",
            editorType: "SelectItem",
            width: "*",
            showPending: true,
            imageURLPrefix: "flags/16/",
            imageURLSuffix: ".png",
            getValueIcon : function (value) {
                if (isc.isAn.Array(value)) return null;
                return value;
        }, {
            name: "favoriteDepartment",
            editorType: "PickTreeItem",
            width: 140,
            displayField: "name",
            valueField: "id",
            valueTree: departmentTree,
            showPending: true
        }, {
            name: "favoriteTextItem",
            editorType: "TextItem",
            width: 140,
            displayField: "name",
            defaultValue: "A short text",
            showPending: true
        }, {
            name: "favoriteTextAreaItem",
            editorType: "TextAreaItem",
            width: 140,
            displayField: "name",
            defaultValue: "A very long text",
            showPending: true
        width: "100%",
        members: [favoritesForm]

    This is very minor for me.

    Best regards

    This one's fixed for tomorrow's builds - the framework had an incorrect (although documented) default for PickTreeItem.readOnlyDisplay - "disabled", rather than null like other items. You could test that by just setting readOnlyDisplay: null on your item


      Hi Isomorphic,

      I can see this one is fixed in v11.1p_2018-09-06.

      Thank you & Best regards

