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    SQLDataSource: Invalid column index while updating a blob column

    SmartClient Version: v11.1p_2018-09-07/Enterprise Deployment (built 2018-09-07)
    SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v12.1d_2018-09-10/EVAL Deployment (expires 2018.11.09_07.15.29) Licensed to: Isomorphic Software (#ISC_EVAL_NIGHTLY)

    Tomcat 8.5 and Oracle 12g

    Hello, I've got a table which has only one blob column. In my SQLDataSource I've got that field declared and also another which is based on the same blob field, using a customSelectExpression.
    I use it to show two different columns in a grid, one with showFileInline:true and another with showFileInline:false.

            <field name="LOGO_IMG" type="imageFile"/>
            <field name="LOGO_IMG_FILENAME" type="text"/>
            <field name="LOGO_IMG_FILESIZE" type="integer"/>
            <field name="LOGO_IMG_DATE_CREATED" type="datetime"/>
            <field name="LOGO_IMG_FIELD" customSelectExpression="LOGO_IMG" type="imageFile"/>
            <field name="LOGO_IMG_FIELD_FILENAME" customSelectExpression="LOGO_IMG_FILENAME" type="text"/>
            <field name="LOGO_IMG_FIELD_FILESIZE" customSelectExpression="LOGO_IMG_FILESIZE" type="integer"/>
            <field name="LOGO_IMG_FIELD_DATE_CREATED" customSelectExpression="LOGO_IMG_DATE_CREATED" type="datetime"/>
    when trying to update a record with a new image, I got a SQL error:

    2018-09-14 12:11:57,531 DEBUG DSRequest [builtinApplication.null] freeOnExecute is false for request of type fetch on DataSource LEG_SQUADRE - not freeing resources! 
    2018-09-14 12:11:57,532 INFO  SQLValuesClause [builtinApplication.null] Ignoring value for LOGO_IMG_FIELD since it has a customSelectExpression or customSQLExpression but no customUpdateExpression 
    2018-09-14 12:11:57,532 INFO  SQLValuesClause [builtinApplication.null] Ignoring value for LOGO_IMG_FIELD_DATE_CREATED since it has a customSelectExpression or customSQLExpression but no customUpdateExpression 
    2018-09-14 12:11:57,532 INFO  SQLValuesClause [builtinApplication.null] Ignoring value for LOGO_IMG_FIELD_FILENAME since it has a customSelectExpression or customSQLExpression but no customUpdateExpression 
    2018-09-14 12:11:57,532 INFO  SQLValuesClause [builtinApplication.null] Ignoring value for LOGO_IMG_FIELD_FILESIZE since it has a customSelectExpression or customSQLExpression but no customUpdateExpression 
    2018-09-14 12:11:57,532 INFO  SQLDriver [builtinApplication.null] Executing SQL query on 'dbJpcEP' using connection '232188457': UPDATE DBSALES.LEG_SQUADRE SET CODICE_SQUADRA='MN', DESCRIZIONE='AS Monaco FC', FK_REGIONE=22, LOGO_IMG=?, LOGO_IMG_DATE_CREATED=TO_DATE('2018-09-14 12:11:57','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), LOGO_IMG_FILENAME='MN.png', LOGO_IMG_FILESIZE=8595, LOGO_URL_PREFIX='', LOGO_URL_SUFFIX='.png', SERVER_PATH='smb://srvprodilb/static/images/loghi_squadre/' WHERE (LEG_SQUADRE.ID_REC=975393) 
    2018-09-14 12:11:57,537 DEBUG SQLDriver [builtinApplication.null] FAILED to execute SQL update in 'dbJpcEP' using connection'232188457' 
    2018-09-14 12:11:57,537 DEBUG DSRequest freeOnExecute is false for request of type update on DataSource LEG_SQUADRE - not freeing resources! 
    2018-09-14 12:11:57,538 DEBUG DataSourceDMI Invocation threw exception 
    java.sql.SQLException: Indice di colonna non valido
        at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setBinaryStreamInternal(
        at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setBinaryStreamInternal(
        at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setBinaryStream(
        at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.setBinaryStream(
        at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor93.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.StatementFacade$StatementProxy.invoke(
        at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy35.setBinaryStream(Unknown Source)
        at com.isomorphic.sql.SQLDriver.doUpdate(
        at com.isomorphic.sql.SQLDriver.update(
        at com.isomorphic.sql.SQLDriver.executeUpdate(
        at com.isomorphic.sql.SQLDataSource.executeNativeUpdate(
        at com.isomorphic.sql.SQLDataSource.SQLExecute(
        at com.isomorphic.sql.SQLDataSource.processRequest(
        at com.isomorphic.sql.SQLDataSource.executeUpdate(
        at com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource.execute(
        at com.isomorphic.application.AppBase.executeDefaultDSOperation(
        at com.isomorphic.application.AppBase.executeAppOperation(
        at com.isomorphic.application.AppBase.execute(
        at com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest.execute(
        at com.juve.legend.SquadreDMI.salvaLogoSquadra(
    'Indice di colonna non valido' means 'Invalid column index'

    Hello, did you manage to reproduce the problem?
    Please let me know if you need other details.


      We haven’t gotten to it yet, but it is assigned.

      Isolating it further would of course help speed resolution.


        Hello, after some more tests, the problem seems to be related to the fact that I'm invoking the update operation in a DMI where I call dsRequest.setValues(squadra), and 'squadra' is a Map (received from client), where I set the new values for the 'LOGO_IMG*' fields, ie:
                        squadra.put("LOGO_IMG", inputStream);
                        squadra.put("LOGO_IMG_FILENAME", fileName);
                        squadra.put("LOGO_IMG_FILESIZE", size);
                        squadra.put("LOGO_IMG_DATE_CREATED", new Date());
        but, if those attributes were already present (valued), there are also the 'LOGO_IMG_FIELD*' attributes.
        So the dsRequest.setValues is called with a parameter like this:
        0 = {java.util.HashMap$Entry@15979} "LOGO_IMG_FIELD_FILENAME" -> "MN.png"
        1 = {java.util.HashMap$Entry@15980} "ID_REC" -> "975393"
        2 = {java.util.HashMap$Entry@15981} "LOGO_URL_SUFFIX" -> ".png"
        3 = {java.util.HashMap$Entry@15982} "LOGO_IMG_FIELD" ->
        4 = {java.util.HashMap$Entry@15983} "LOGO_IMG_FIELD_DATE_CREATED" -> "2018-09-14 15:46:24.0"
        5 = {java.util.HashMap$Entry@15984} "LOGO_IMG_DATE_CREATED" -> "Tue Sep 25 15:02:04 CEST 2018"
        6 = {java.util.HashMap$Entry@15985} "LOGO_IMG_FIELD_FILESIZE" -> "8595"
        7 = {java.util.HashMap$Entry@15986} "LOGO_URL_PREFIX" -> "https://serverURL/loghi_squadre/"
        8 = {java.util.HashMap$Entry@15987} "LOGO_IMG" ->
        9 = {java.util.HashMap$Entry@15988} "SERVER_PATH" -> "smb://serverPath/loghi_squadre/"
        10 = {java.util.HashMap$Entry@15989} "FK_REGIONE" -> "22"
        11 = {java.util.HashMap$Entry@15990} "DESCRIZIONE" -> "AS Monaco FC"
        12 = {java.util.HashMap$Entry@15991} "CODICE_SQUADRA" -> "MN"
        13 = {java.util.HashMap$Entry@15992} "LOGO_IMG_FILESIZE" -> "8595"
        14 = {java.util.HashMap$Entry@15993} "LOGO_IMG_FILENAME" -> "MN.png"
        the SmartClient server seems to ignore the LOGO_IMG_FIELD* fields as per the log from post #1:
        2018-09-14 12:11:57,532 INFO SQLValuesClause [builtinApplication.null] Ignoring value for LOGO_IMG_FIELD since it has a customSelectExpression or customSQLExpression but no customUpdateExpression
        2018-09-14 12:11:57,532 INFO SQLValuesClause [builtinApplication.null] Ignoring value for LOGO_IMG_FIELD_DATE_CREATED since it has a customSelectExpression or customSQLExpression but no customUpdateExpression
        2018-09-14 12:11:57,532 INFO SQLValuesClause [builtinApplication.null] Ignoring value for LOGO_IMG_FIELD_FILENAME since it has a customSelectExpression or customSQLExpression but no customUpdateExpression
        2018-09-14 12:11:57,532 INFO SQLValuesClause [builtinApplication.null] Ignoring value for LOGO_IMG_FIELD_FILESIZE since it has a customSelectExpression or customSQLExpression but no customUpdateExpression
        but then the 'Invalid column index' error is raised.

        So, I've tried to remove those attributes:
        and now it's working.

        anyway, I think it's a bug, correct? Or is it invalid usage?


          Yes it is a bug. It is fixed now and will be available for download in nightly builds since Sep 27 (tomorrow).

