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    Issue with DateItem and focus in iPad

    Hi Isomorphic,

    please see this sample (v11.1p_2018-09-18) in Safari on an iPad (I'm on 11.4.1, but should not be related to a specific iOS version).

    If you click the Calendar Icon for e.g. "Direct Date Input" and select a date, the TextItem shortly gets the focus and then gets focus removed again and the iPad tries to show the virtual keyboard.
    In the sample, this is an annoying flash. In my application the focus stays and therefore also the keyboard stays.
    This is definitely not wanted by the user, as he or she just selected a date. IMHO the solution is to keep the focus on the icon, at least on mobile, or not to show the keyboard, if that is possible.

    As one customer is going to use the application on iPad Pro, this is an issue for me.

    Best regards

    This is happening the same or worse in 12.0p, where there is drawn empty space for the keyboard, that is never used nor removed.


      We've made a change to address this issue. Please try the next nightly build (date Oct 2 or above)

      Isomorphic Software

