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    FacetChart hovers stop working after a chart resize

    We are currently using SmartClient v11.1p_2018-05-03/PowerEdition on Chrome 69 on Windows

    We have a FacetChart displaying scatter point data that is configured to show the data point
    value in a hover popup when hovering over the data points. This chart resides in a VLayout
    within a Portlet of a 2 column Portal Layout. We found that after we resize the chart by
    dragging the splitter of the Portal Layout, we are unable to see the hover popup when
    hovering over the data points. The mouse cursor does not change to a hand icon either.
    After maximizing the Portlet or recreating the chart, the data point hovers are working

    After an extensive javascript debugging session tracing through the debug versions of
    SmartClient files, we found a questionable line of code in the _quadTreeItemCompareFunc
    class method of QuadTree in ISC_Drawing.js:
    return item1._addOrder - index2._addOrder;
    be more like
    return item1._addOrder - item2._addOrder;

    Somehow this causes the chartRect underneath to receive the hover event instead of the data
    point on top.

    We have tried to reproduce something similar in the SmartClient Feature Explorer, but have
    not been able to yet.

    We have downloaded the latest SmartClient v12.0 trial (2018-09-30), and the
    _quadTreeItemCompareFunc code looks the same there.


    Thanks for pointing this out. We've corrected it in SmartClient 11.0p and newer releases, and the fix will be in the nightly builds dated 2018-10-03 and beyond.

